helloooo world! (:
i'm baaaacckk!!! (:
and i realise tt Switezerland IS indeed an AWESOME place alright^^
Jervina, Erika and Yan Hui saw the pics i took dere liao but i guess i cnt put e pics up coz my hp is nt recognised as a device in the com so yeah.. srry..
so cool yeah i'll tell you about my trip!! yay^^
okay so e movies i watched weren't too new but its still okay coz i haven watched em yet^^
in total i watched 500days of summer, up, g-force and bandslam but 2out of all were pretty lame (no offence) and yeah so i kinda wasted time watching those..
so one thing i noe dat i did in switzerland: took trains.
lotsalotsa trains. lyk those trains tt work on magnetism repelling thingys..
here's some stuff i found out bout thier lifestyle dere..
1) their shops closes at 5pm in the evening
2) their macdonald's meal cost twice as much as ours
3) the cheapest hamburger is 2.50 francs (which is about 3bucks SGD)
4) their public toilet, called mclean (lyk named after mac lyk dat) cost 2francs ($2.50 approx) for the ladies and 1franc for the guys if they use the urinal and 2francs if they use the cubicle (upon hearing frm my bro)
5) Einstein passed on on 18th of April 1955 (if im nt wrong)
6) their birds, ducks, swans are not scared of humans
7) their maple leaves smells weird if kept for a week indoors
8) their train arrival timings are on the dot (seriously man, no kidding)
9) they use left hand side cars
10) their road is look left, look right den look left again
11) dey have awesome shopping carts for kids
13) ppl 16> free train rides if u r accompanied by an adult.. 1child, 1 adult
okayy so tt's more or less lyk it(:
actually dere's a lot more bt now i can only think of these so yeah(:
i cnt wait for tmr!!!
watching new moon wif jer b4 meeting up wif claire.. srry we din invite u claire coz we noe u dun lyk e movie.. (no offence to the cast)
okayy mum's nagging bye.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
okayy i'm back (read prev post)
yeah so i wanna go for this movie marathon tonight in the flight (i counted. can watch approx 6-7 movies in a go) and i'll order lotsa drinks (free flow--woots!) and yeah play lotsa stuff and.. sleep? yeah i need it..
when i go over, i'll have 30hrs a day..
lyk u noe one day 24hrs right?
so tmr i'll have 30hrs a day coz of jetlag and yeah... so i tink i'll be tired if i dun sleep...
i haf 13hrs to daydream anyway. i'll think of u ppl so dun worry(: (i'm toking about ppl in church school and my family^^)
ya so i guess i ought to be up and going now... currently my bro keeps switching com and my mum is stoning and my dad is wandering ard snapping pics of the tiniest stuff anyone bothers to snap..
yeah so i'll be back 30nov and i'll miss you guys! (: hahas... oh and goodnight!
maybe, juz maybe, the jobros will be dere!! (: if dey are, jervina, i'll definitely take lotsa pics wif them and get their autographs and make lotsa copies and i will give half of all i haf about them to you^^
its my holiday so NO, veena and clarissa, you're not allowed to comment anything abt this. ^^
yeah so i wanna go for this movie marathon tonight in the flight (i counted. can watch approx 6-7 movies in a go) and i'll order lotsa drinks (free flow--woots!) and yeah play lotsa stuff and.. sleep? yeah i need it..
when i go over, i'll have 30hrs a day..
lyk u noe one day 24hrs right?
so tmr i'll have 30hrs a day coz of jetlag and yeah... so i tink i'll be tired if i dun sleep...
i haf 13hrs to daydream anyway. i'll think of u ppl so dun worry(: (i'm toking about ppl in church school and my family^^)
ya so i guess i ought to be up and going now... currently my bro keeps switching com and my mum is stoning and my dad is wandering ard snapping pics of the tiniest stuff anyone bothers to snap..
yeah so i'll be back 30nov and i'll miss you guys! (: hahas... oh and goodnight!
maybe, juz maybe, the jobros will be dere!! (: if dey are, jervina, i'll definitely take lotsa pics wif them and get their autographs and make lotsa copies and i will give half of all i haf about them to you^^
its my holiday so NO, veena and clarissa, you're not allowed to comment anything abt this. ^^
going off to Switzerland in about 2hrs time!!
heyy!! (:
i'm currently at the airport now waiting for the flight which is leaving at... 0110.
and i was here at 7++pm.. so i still haf a loooong time to go..
but yeah thanks for the wish ppl! (: i will enjoy myself dere and take lotsa lotsa pics kayy... (:
wow okayy so i'm now outside this hard rock cafe and at the cashier area, dere's three guitars(acoustic, electric, electric) hanging up the wall wich looks really awesome but i dun tink i can take a pic of it coz its private property.. but it's really cool^^
wow i've never been to anywhere tt far away lyk switzerland b4 so its gonna be awesome and i'll play wif snow and make snowmans and get to see a locomotive (maybe?) and COOL. (:(:(: yayayayay.
i wasn't this excited 5mins ago.
okayy wait. i'll be back.
i'm currently at the airport now waiting for the flight which is leaving at... 0110.
and i was here at 7++pm.. so i still haf a loooong time to go..
but yeah thanks for the wish ppl! (: i will enjoy myself dere and take lotsa lotsa pics kayy... (:
wow okayy so i'm now outside this hard rock cafe and at the cashier area, dere's three guitars(acoustic, electric, electric) hanging up the wall wich looks really awesome but i dun tink i can take a pic of it coz its private property.. but it's really cool^^
wow i've never been to anywhere tt far away lyk switzerland b4 so its gonna be awesome and i'll play wif snow and make snowmans and get to see a locomotive (maybe?) and COOL. (:(:(: yayayayay.
i wasn't this excited 5mins ago.
okayy wait. i'll be back.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
oh and...
whoops.. forgot to add tt in the prev post..
oh well... but may all your wishes and dreams come true!! (:(:(:
whoops.. forgot to add tt in the prev post..
oh well... but may all your wishes and dreams come true!! (:(:(:
this is a really boring post.
i can't update pics on my blog..
oh well, so much for looking forward to it.
Hols have started and here's the best part:
Mon: cca
Tues: go prcss
Wed: Poa lesson
Thurs: Poa lesson
Fri: Poa lesson
oh boyy.. you shld listen to Designer Skyline by Owl City.. It's really nice..
I wanna add a playlist but.. yeah..
i need weina to help.
kinda looking forward to tmr and tues.. only interesting stuff happening dis week.
oh gosh i'm crapping. bye.
oh well, so much for looking forward to it.
Hols have started and here's the best part:
Mon: cca
Tues: go prcss
Wed: Poa lesson
Thurs: Poa lesson
Fri: Poa lesson
oh boyy.. you shld listen to Designer Skyline by Owl City.. It's really nice..
I wanna add a playlist but.. yeah..
i need weina to help.
kinda looking forward to tmr and tues.. only interesting stuff happening dis week.
oh gosh i'm crapping. bye.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
ahahahahahas! (: yeah my blog's a year old! (: it's grown old! (: ahahahas.. ^^
and AMAZINGLY, i did remember it's creation day! (: lol..
oh and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to mervin(: (i'm typing dis in another colour so can see due to e bckgrd of my blog...)
plus, 2dae's DEEEPAVALI and i'm lyk sooo stuffed with food right now coz my family and i went out 4 lunch at my parents' indian friends houses and i ate lyk WHOA lots of food(: yay! ohoh and oso lotsa SWEETS and dere's this mini nerds (tt sugar coated with candy thingies tt u can get frm ntuc) in an extra small cardboard box and dere's lyk orange and fruit punch flavours which are really AWESOME come to think of it coz i dunno it's just really nice and my bro and i ate lyk so many ferrero rochers tt are already melted and i drank lyk.. 4 cans of fizzy lemon with 7-up thing and a can of coke and 2 cups of fruit punch and i wanted to drink a packet of milo after tt but i tot that if i really did drink, my stomach will get all quesy and fizzy and i'll feel really weird and then i wish tt JERVINA wil b dere to witness my MEGA-AMAZING-FANTASTIC burp i'll attempt and that'll piss her off^^ (no offence!)
YEAH so anyways, heading off to my cousin's house to see my new-born nephew soon! (: yay! 1st time see him-- oh ya juz now at my parents' friends house, dere's this cute boy (15mths.. don't go ANY further) whose name is aryan (i dunno if tt's e real spelling) and he's lyk so cute! he watched barney den when barney and his friends started doing some weird dancing routine, aryan was standing in front of the tv flapping his arms (*ahem* lyk peisi hor? ^^) and squealing(: so cute sia^^
kayy so anyways juz wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my blog(: (not lyk it'll notice anw... sheesh) and yeah(:
ahahahahahas! (: yeah my blog's a year old! (: it's grown old! (: ahahahas.. ^^
and AMAZINGLY, i did remember it's creation day! (: lol..
oh and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY to mervin(: (i'm typing dis in another colour so can see due to e bckgrd of my blog...)
plus, 2dae's DEEEPAVALI and i'm lyk sooo stuffed with food right now coz my family and i went out 4 lunch at my parents' indian friends houses and i ate lyk WHOA lots of food(: yay! ohoh and oso lotsa SWEETS and dere's this mini nerds (tt sugar coated with candy thingies tt u can get frm ntuc) in an extra small cardboard box and dere's lyk orange and fruit punch flavours which are really AWESOME come to think of it coz i dunno it's just really nice and my bro and i ate lyk so many ferrero rochers tt are already melted and i drank lyk.. 4 cans of fizzy lemon with 7-up thing and a can of coke and 2 cups of fruit punch and i wanted to drink a packet of milo after tt but i tot that if i really did drink, my stomach will get all quesy and fizzy and i'll feel really weird and then i wish tt JERVINA wil b dere to witness my MEGA-AMAZING-FANTASTIC burp i'll attempt and that'll piss her off^^ (no offence!)
YEAH so anyways, heading off to my cousin's house to see my new-born nephew soon! (: yay! 1st time see him-- oh ya juz now at my parents' friends house, dere's this cute boy (15mths.. don't go ANY further) whose name is aryan (i dunno if tt's e real spelling) and he's lyk so cute! he watched barney den when barney and his friends started doing some weird dancing routine, aryan was standing in front of the tv flapping his arms (*ahem* lyk peisi hor? ^^) and squealing(: so cute sia^^
kayy so anyways juz wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my blog(: (not lyk it'll notice anw... sheesh) and yeah(:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
HELLOOOOO..... amazingly, the blog's still ALIVE!!!!! (:
yeahyeahyeah.. (:
wow it's been 3MONTHS!! it's about time i updated.. just take it lyk as if my blog was hibernating the past few months or smtg... (:
exams are over and it dosen't even feel like it... sheesh...
oh yeah and DRUS: happy 15th birthday to you!!! ^^
ahahahas(: yeah hope u enjoyed ur day ya? (:
hmm i realized tt i dun haf much to say.. i wanted to post up the pics i took today of this cute kitten near my sch but i figured that i still haf2 find my usb cable n bla so nvm...
oh 2dae we went to get drus and matt's pressie before orals and i wanna watch 500 days of summer tomorrow... *HINT HINT* (:
OKAYYYYY.....so i haf nothing interesting to post yet and i'll post ag-- OH YEAH!! btwbtwbtwbtw i wanna get the jobro mag wif the t-shirt thingy thing lyk asap coz its AWESOMEEE!!! lyk fireflies.. (: i nida add a playlist on my blog so tt everytime sm1 visits e blog then can hear SIREFLIES!!! (:(:(: ahahahahahahahahas! (:
yeah so i'll go check out e movies showing tmr.. yay!!
-ok i got to go now. tata. - ahahas!! (: use it in mr ****'s voice!! (:(:(: right right right claire?? (:
kay bye.
yeahyeahyeah.. (:
wow it's been 3MONTHS!! it's about time i updated.. just take it lyk as if my blog was hibernating the past few months or smtg... (:
exams are over and it dosen't even feel like it... sheesh...
oh yeah and DRUS: happy 15th birthday to you!!! ^^
ahahahas(: yeah hope u enjoyed ur day ya? (:
hmm i realized tt i dun haf much to say.. i wanted to post up the pics i took today of this cute kitten near my sch but i figured that i still haf2 find my usb cable n bla so nvm...
oh 2dae we went to get drus and matt's pressie before orals and i wanna watch 500 days of summer tomorrow... *HINT HINT* (:
OKAYYYYY.....so i haf nothing interesting to post yet and i'll post ag-- OH YEAH!! btwbtwbtwbtw i wanna get the jobro mag wif the t-shirt thingy thing lyk asap coz its AWESOMEEE!!! lyk fireflies.. (: i nida add a playlist on my blog so tt everytime sm1 visits e blog then can hear SIREFLIES!!! (:(:(: ahahahahahahahahas! (:
yeah so i'll go check out e movies showing tmr.. yay!!
-ok i got to go now. tata. - ahahas!! (: use it in mr ****'s voice!! (:(:(: right right right claire?? (:
kay bye.
Friday, July 24, 2009
hello wellows!! ^^
yay!! (: that's everyone in my July babies list.. hahas.. happy birthday to you all!! (:
hmm... 2dae's friiiiidayyyy!!!! (:
2 days and 7hours to school again... crappo...
oh well, i'll make full use of the time i haf den... (by sleeping, more like)
ohohohohohoh guess what i got for my GRADE SEVEN PIANO EXAM!!!!!! (:
i got....
hahas.. (: just happy coz i din expect tt i wld get merit after i played the pieces and screwed up some areas.. yay!
*ahem* Firstly, i wanna thank my Lord Jesus for blessing me and being with me at all times!
i also wanna thank my parents (for paying) and my brother (for disturbing me) and for my piano (to survive these 10years with me) and my piano teacher (who tries so hard to get me to play regularly but i haf no time... whoops) and clarissadrusillajervinaveena who wished me all the best (thanks for the massage, drus!) and all those other ppl tt wished me all the best and the studio (for scaring the h*** out of me on the day of the exam) and the examiner and did i mention my Jesus? (:
yayayayay! ^^
oh my phone died.. didn't give it a funeral.
its corpse is rotting in a precious moments box (IRONIC) and ya.
i dunno wad to do with it.
maybe i should burn it (so cruel)
or fry it in deep oil (fried phone. why-you-see-kay)
or flush it in the toilet bowl (too wet)
or dig a pit in the flower pot and bury it there and cry a whole day
or throw it in someone's bag and make them think they stole my phone
maybe i should just leave the poor phone in the box and let it rest in peace.
oh man.. i'm crapping.. i think i need more sleep.
night! (:
(P.S. um.. i think you should highlight the post coz dere's some words tt's *invisible* so u gotta highlight the post to see the full post!!)
yay!! (: that's everyone in my July babies list.. hahas.. happy birthday to you all!! (:
hmm... 2dae's friiiiidayyyy!!!! (:
2 days and 7hours to school again... crappo...
oh well, i'll make full use of the time i haf den... (by sleeping, more like)
ohohohohohoh guess what i got for my GRADE SEVEN PIANO EXAM!!!!!! (:
i got....
hahas.. (: just happy coz i din expect tt i wld get merit after i played the pieces and screwed up some areas.. yay!
*ahem* Firstly, i wanna thank my Lord Jesus for blessing me and being with me at all times!
i also wanna thank my parents (for paying) and my brother (for disturbing me) and for my piano (to survive these 10years with me) and my piano teacher (who tries so hard to get me to play regularly but i haf no time... whoops) and clarissadrusillajervinaveena who wished me all the best (thanks for the massage, drus!) and all those other ppl tt wished me all the best and the studio (for scaring the h*** out of me on the day of the exam) and the examiner and did i mention my Jesus? (:
yayayayay! ^^
oh my phone died.. didn't give it a funeral.
its corpse is rotting in a precious moments box (IRONIC) and ya.
i dunno wad to do with it.
maybe i should burn it (so cruel)
or fry it in deep oil (fried phone. why-you-see-kay)
or flush it in the toilet bowl (too wet)
or dig a pit in the flower pot and bury it there and cry a whole day
or throw it in someone's bag and make them think they stole my phone
maybe i should just leave the poor phone in the box and let it rest in peace.
oh man.. i'm crapping.. i think i need more sleep.
night! (:
(P.S. um.. i think you should highlight the post coz dere's some words tt's *invisible* so u gotta highlight the post to see the full post!!)
Friday, July 10, 2009
i sooo can't wait for sunday to come... it's driving me nuts just to even think of it!!
guess who's staying over the weekend: audrey.
ahhh!!! not that i hate kids or smtg but she is a really (no offense) noisy kid.. she can't stop talking..! oh gosh.. guess i can take it.. used to it anyways.. (my bro..)
anyways, nothing much around now.. only very busy with schoolwork and stuff..
had piano g7 practical exam on 9/7/09..
was sorta freaky but it went okayy...
i'll have to pray hard though..
and ask the Lord to bless me with the marks i deserve..
ya so i am rushing thru hw now so tt i can go movies with sunday school class!! (: yay! and i'm not paying a single cent! (: but yuxin better come though coz if she dosen't then i won't have much to talk about which wld be kinda sad on an outing...
oh wait lemme try to put some pics on my blog!!
haven tried it b4 so plz 4gif if anything wrong..
oh wait.
this is my blog so y am i saying srry?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Holidays = MORE WORK.
HELLO!! (:
e new format for the blog is weird..
oh well..
anyways, i'm back!! (: hahahahas..
tt is, only for now..
holidays are crap sia.. for me coz i haf to go back to sch for the shortest i ever had-- 7 DAYS.
these few weeks (or months, in fact) haf been kinda hectic for me..
i haf soo much stuff to revise for EOY and i kinda haven started yet...!! argh... ):
ooo-ooohh (:
last sat LOL went to East Coast Park to cycle and it was real fuuunn!!! ^^
oh srry i din invite ppl lyk JERVINA tho.. ): plz dun angry.. srry srry
anw, we went dere to cycle (i wanted to rollerblade but Erika asked me to cycle so yeah) and yeah it was cool! (:
lyk so many ppl in one go (about 30? yeah)
and i tried double wif Wei Jie and it was funny, scary and cool at the same time(:
funny coz we tok a lot of crap on the way
scary coz Wei Jie keep cycling at extra fast speed lyk 2km in 5mins or smtg (wait, actually i'm not extremely sure but yeah, more or less)
and cool coz Wei jie and i did the standing up stunt thing while it we were at extra fast speeds(:
hahahas.. (: really cool but nxt day haf shoulder cramp.. hahas..(:
yeah so i hafta study harder coz i dislike my term3 results oh-so-very-much and i really nida get on wif my hol hw now so yeah
(: oh srry it's :(
e new format for the blog is weird..
oh well..
anyways, i'm back!! (: hahahahas..
tt is, only for now..
holidays are crap sia.. for me coz i haf to go back to sch for the shortest i ever had-- 7 DAYS.
these few weeks (or months, in fact) haf been kinda hectic for me..
i haf soo much stuff to revise for EOY and i kinda haven started yet...!! argh... ):
ooo-ooohh (:
last sat LOL went to East Coast Park to cycle and it was real fuuunn!!! ^^
oh srry i din invite ppl lyk JERVINA tho.. ): plz dun angry.. srry srry
anw, we went dere to cycle (i wanted to rollerblade but Erika asked me to cycle so yeah) and yeah it was cool! (:
lyk so many ppl in one go (about 30? yeah)
and i tried double wif Wei Jie and it was funny, scary and cool at the same time(:
funny coz we tok a lot of crap on the way
scary coz Wei Jie keep cycling at extra fast speed lyk 2km in 5mins or smtg (wait, actually i'm not extremely sure but yeah, more or less)
and cool coz Wei jie and i did the standing up stunt thing while it we were at extra fast speeds(:
hahahas.. (: really cool but nxt day haf shoulder cramp.. hahas..(:
yeah so i hafta study harder coz i dislike my term3 results oh-so-very-much and i really nida get on wif my hol hw now so yeah
(: oh srry it's :(
Saturday, June 20, 2009
yeah my blog's dead and i sorta like it.
can't belive tt hols are gonna but over!! i still have soo much homework to do and i dun seem to be progressing..
ohoh on the 10th and 11th of june, my family and i went to Desaru, Malaysia!! (:
there was nothing much to shop dere but the sea view was crazy!! (:
it's lyk soo freaking beautiful(: i'll update the pics soon.. can't now coz the pics are in my dad's camera and he hid it smwhere tt i can't find.. lol (:
um.. oh and on the 17th, razana shazleena simin weina zul nicholas sherweinder don leonard eugene katsun and i went to 'all saints home' (old folks' home) to do service learning!!(:
the ppl dere very cute leh(: especially this old uncle(:
he has these big, bright eyes and the way he walk very cute one!! (:
he take small steps and walk very fast and he always wanna 'run away' frm the old folks' home(:
his main purpose for 'breaking out' is coz he wanna go home, but he can only actually do so at 4pm..
so at 10am he waited in the fitness hall ting. he waited. and waited. and waited.
at 10.05am, he stood up frm his chair and walk his cute walk(: towards the door.
den the missy wld stand in front of him and stop him and she'll say this: "uncle, u can go home at 4pm, now only 10.05am. cannot go now okay? "
den the uncle will scramble back to his chair and sit down and every 3-5 mins, he will stand up and do the same thing over again(:
so weina and i wanted to communicate wif him but he can't hear properly and he can't see clearly, only big words den can..
so i wrote this (real big) on a piece of pink paper: " HELLO! HOW ARE YOU? (: "
and we showed it to him and he smiled and said (really said) : " i'm fine, thank you. (: "
so cute!
den dere's sherweinder.
when weina nicholas and i were talking to the uncle and auntie tt we were in charge of, sherweinder wld pop sm dumb, no-link qns (in chines, coz the uncle and auntie dunno eng) like: " auntie, do you want to eat watermelon?" or "uncle, is the chair comfortable? "and "auntie, let's learn math. this is three, and this is five (he showed her in fingers.. lol!). "
and so weina nicholas and i told the uncle and auntie tt he's a little crazy one, so ignore him and they laughed!(:
after the visit i said this to sherweinder: " hey, when we said you are crazy to the uncle and auntie, why didn't you protest or smtg? "
and he replied: " nevermind la, dey happy can already. "
so nice right? (but still crazy)
old folks are fun to be wif! ^^
right, for the escape outing thing, read jervina's post ba.. there's nothing much to say about anyways.. (:
she covered most of it already..(:
yeah my blog's dead and i sorta like it.
can't belive tt hols are gonna but over!! i still have soo much homework to do and i dun seem to be progressing..
ohoh on the 10th and 11th of june, my family and i went to Desaru, Malaysia!! (:
there was nothing much to shop dere but the sea view was crazy!! (:
it's lyk soo freaking beautiful(: i'll update the pics soon.. can't now coz the pics are in my dad's camera and he hid it smwhere tt i can't find.. lol (:
um.. oh and on the 17th, razana shazleena simin weina zul nicholas sherweinder don leonard eugene katsun and i went to 'all saints home' (old folks' home) to do service learning!!(:
the ppl dere very cute leh(: especially this old uncle(:
he has these big, bright eyes and the way he walk very cute one!! (:
he take small steps and walk very fast and he always wanna 'run away' frm the old folks' home(:
his main purpose for 'breaking out' is coz he wanna go home, but he can only actually do so at 4pm..
so at 10am he waited in the fitness hall ting. he waited. and waited. and waited.
at 10.05am, he stood up frm his chair and walk his cute walk(: towards the door.
den the missy wld stand in front of him and stop him and she'll say this: "uncle, u can go home at 4pm, now only 10.05am. cannot go now okay? "
den the uncle will scramble back to his chair and sit down and every 3-5 mins, he will stand up and do the same thing over again(:
so weina and i wanted to communicate wif him but he can't hear properly and he can't see clearly, only big words den can..
so i wrote this (real big) on a piece of pink paper: " HELLO! HOW ARE YOU? (: "
and we showed it to him and he smiled and said (really said) : " i'm fine, thank you. (: "
so cute!
den dere's sherweinder.
when weina nicholas and i were talking to the uncle and auntie tt we were in charge of, sherweinder wld pop sm dumb, no-link qns (in chines, coz the uncle and auntie dunno eng) like: " auntie, do you want to eat watermelon?" or "uncle, is the chair comfortable? "and "auntie, let's learn math. this is three, and this is five (he showed her in fingers.. lol!). "
and so weina nicholas and i told the uncle and auntie tt he's a little crazy one, so ignore him and they laughed!(:
after the visit i said this to sherweinder: " hey, when we said you are crazy to the uncle and auntie, why didn't you protest or smtg? "
and he replied: " nevermind la, dey happy can already. "
so nice right? (but still crazy)
old folks are fun to be wif! ^^
right, for the escape outing thing, read jervina's post ba.. there's nothing much to say about anyways.. (:
she covered most of it already..(:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
this post is requested by pei si a.k.a *ahem ahem* in my tagboard and kuku in real life^^
to pei si: no la.. the title's juz kidding.. ^^
oh and wanna see today's post since pei si is soo eager to read one? here it is:
this is today's post. thanks for reading it. (:
got watcha want pei si? (: whee.. that was fun.. (: i'll do it agin some other day! (:
oh and wanna see today's post since pei si is soo eager to read one? here it is:
this is today's post. thanks for reading it. (:
got watcha want pei si? (: whee.. that was fun.. (: i'll do it agin some other day! (:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
hello!! (: yay!! the june hols are here! now's the time to catch up in studies.........
i'm currently at home on a sunday(when i'm supposed to be in church) blogging.. i din go church coz i went on yesterday... lyk finally for cell and all!! (: so happy(: saw so many missed faces.. lol..(: and i really wanna get back at kian yong.. soo irritating sia... and he won again sadly.. ): anywayss... ya so yesterday i went to church and after tt went out with Erika to 'kai kai' at tampines 1... we took the mrt with zi xuan and he and i came up with this conclusion about correction liquid and tape coming from bird's poo.. (: very funny coz we were wondering why bird's poo is white in colour and zi xuan and i kept coming up with yucky and funny stuff and we kept grossing Erika out(: hahas..(:
ya so yesterday was fun and oh on wednesday night my family and i took the flyer!!! (: yay so fun!! but scary seriously... i didn't dare go up close to the window coz it was freaking scary and i wasn't even on the highest point yet... my mum sat on the floor and enjoyed the scenery coz she said she was also scared to move about.. hahas.. i was crawling on the seats trying to go as far as possible.. my dad was practically leaning on the glass taking as much pics as possible and my bro was running about daring me to run from one end of the flyer to the other(which i din't accomplished but i walked-run only..) and my mum scolded us for wasting the money challenging each other on the flyer and not looking at the scenery so ya.. (: but it was really nice, the scenery and all.. (:
hmm.. veena's coming home tmr!! (: i hope she did see her blog tho.. or even went online for tt matter... yupps so... i seriously haf to update my profile... uhh... but i wun give myself away!! (: i dun think so anyways... (:
i'm currently at home on a sunday(when i'm supposed to be in church) blogging.. i din go church coz i went on yesterday... lyk finally for cell and all!! (: so happy(: saw so many missed faces.. lol..(: and i really wanna get back at kian yong.. soo irritating sia... and he won again sadly.. ): anywayss... ya so yesterday i went to church and after tt went out with Erika to 'kai kai' at tampines 1... we took the mrt with zi xuan and he and i came up with this conclusion about correction liquid and tape coming from bird's poo.. (: very funny coz we were wondering why bird's poo is white in colour and zi xuan and i kept coming up with yucky and funny stuff and we kept grossing Erika out(: hahas..(:
ya so yesterday was fun and oh on wednesday night my family and i took the flyer!!! (: yay so fun!! but scary seriously... i didn't dare go up close to the window coz it was freaking scary and i wasn't even on the highest point yet... my mum sat on the floor and enjoyed the scenery coz she said she was also scared to move about.. hahas.. i was crawling on the seats trying to go as far as possible.. my dad was practically leaning on the glass taking as much pics as possible and my bro was running about daring me to run from one end of the flyer to the other(which i din't accomplished but i walked-run only..) and my mum scolded us for wasting the money challenging each other on the flyer and not looking at the scenery so ya.. (: but it was really nice, the scenery and all.. (:
hmm.. veena's coming home tmr!! (: i hope she did see her blog tho.. or even went online for tt matter... yupps so... i seriously haf to update my profile... uhh... but i wun give myself away!! (: i dun think so anyways... (:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
optimistic, pessimistic--- The World In Two Perspective
heyhey i'm back!! (: i'm lyk so 'free' nowadays... ^^ just asked veena to get me pictures of the skies in wherever-in-the-world she is.. ^^ yay i hope she sees my request then i'll get pics of the Lord's creation from some other faraway city(: oh i rmb once on my way home from Hong Kong during evening in an airplane the sky was bee-you-tee-foo!!! the sky was one whole stretch of orange and the clouds were lyk in one long line and the sun was in between them, giving off the orange glow to the whole world!! (: it's lyk real coool but sadly i couldn't take pics coz it's not allowed on the airplane.. ): but i think i'll never 4get tt(: (i hope..)
oh and speaking of countries, if choir is going to italy next year, my cousin wanted me to get him an artist hat which is kinda coool(: tho we're not artists but i think if it's possible, i'll get one myself too!! (: hahas(: (lol.. i'm lykk only wanting to ga there to get artist hats and pics of the skies or smtg.. lol)
soo.. tmr's a big and tiring day.. i'm running 200m for sports day tmr and after tt i'll most probably go c the primary school's funfair and then head back to school for council commendation rehearsal and then rushing off to buy cake for my parents(family matters).. yupps so it's a busy day... and i'm soo freaked out bout tmr's running.. coz i dun wanna be the last.. my competitors are really crazy in a sense that they're volleyballers and netballers and i'm a choir member(wheee!!!!)... tt's bad if i'm doing sports and good in performance btw..(: but i guess tt i just gotta wait for God to help me thru tmr coz he noes the results and well, i'll aim to finish as fast as possible for him(: yay!! but it dosen't mean tt if i'm the last few mean i'm not running for him coz no matter what, he'll be my goal so yeah!! i'll strive for it!! (: hahas..
hmm.. been toking a lot of no link stuff here.. oh here's smtg i asked peisi juz now and most probably many of us heard this b4 but i asked her if it's 'half a cup full' or 'half a cup empty'. most of the time ppl wld juz say tt it's both the same but if you think about it, it's more lyk finding your characteristic in this qn.. it's sort of true tt both are the same but it's actually to see if someone is pessimistic or optimistic.. so i wanna stop here by asking ppl (and myself) : how do you see life? and to christians: does the Lord wants us to see our purpose in life this way? think 'bout it(:
this msg is brought to you indirectly by joanne coz she made me see the optimistic way(: thanks! (:
oh and speaking of countries, if choir is going to italy next year, my cousin wanted me to get him an artist hat which is kinda coool(: tho we're not artists but i think if it's possible, i'll get one myself too!! (: hahas(: (lol.. i'm lykk only wanting to ga there to get artist hats and pics of the skies or smtg.. lol)
soo.. tmr's a big and tiring day.. i'm running 200m for sports day tmr and after tt i'll most probably go c the primary school's funfair and then head back to school for council commendation rehearsal and then rushing off to buy cake for my parents(family matters).. yupps so it's a busy day... and i'm soo freaked out bout tmr's running.. coz i dun wanna be the last.. my competitors are really crazy in a sense that they're volleyballers and netballers and i'm a choir member(wheee!!!!)... tt's bad if i'm doing sports and good in performance btw..(: but i guess tt i just gotta wait for God to help me thru tmr coz he noes the results and well, i'll aim to finish as fast as possible for him(: yay!! but it dosen't mean tt if i'm the last few mean i'm not running for him coz no matter what, he'll be my goal so yeah!! i'll strive for it!! (: hahas..
hmm.. been toking a lot of no link stuff here.. oh here's smtg i asked peisi juz now and most probably many of us heard this b4 but i asked her if it's 'half a cup full' or 'half a cup empty'. most of the time ppl wld juz say tt it's both the same but if you think about it, it's more lyk finding your characteristic in this qn.. it's sort of true tt both are the same but it's actually to see if someone is pessimistic or optimistic.. so i wanna stop here by asking ppl (and myself) : how do you see life? and to christians: does the Lord wants us to see our purpose in life this way? think 'bout it(:
this msg is brought to you indirectly by joanne coz she made me see the optimistic way(: thanks! (:
Saturday, May 23, 2009
taa daa!!! lol... here read this if your mum's nagging at you again for the tenth time and you feel like slamming the door in sm1's face (plz oh plz dun ever do tt).. ^^
1. When do you feel your best?
a) in the morning
b) during the afternoon and early evening
c) late at night
2. You usually walk....
a) fairly fast, with long steps
b) fairly fast, with little steps
c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
d) less fast, head down
e) very slowly
3. When talking to people you. . .
a) stand with your arms folded
b) have your hands clasped
c) have one or both your hands on your hips
d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
e) play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair
4. When relaxing, you sit with. . .
a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
b) your legs crossed
c) your legs stretched out or straight
d) one leg curled under you
5. When something really amuses you, you react with...
a) big appreciated laugh
b) a laugh, but not a loud one
c) a quiet chuckle
d) a sheepish smile
6. When you go to a party or social gathering you...
a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know
c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed
7. You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're interrupted...
a) welcome the break
b) feel extremely irritated
c) vary between these two extremes
8. Which of the following colors do you like most?
a) Red or orange
b) black
c) yellow or light blue
d) green
e) dark blue or purple
f) white
g) brown or gray
9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep you are...
a) stretched out on your back
b) stretched out face down on your stomach
c) on your side, slightly curled
d) with your head on one arm
e) with your head under the covers
10. You often dream that you are...
a) falling
b) fighting or struggling
c) searching for something or somebody
d) flying or floating
e) you usually have dreamless sleep
f) your dreams are always pleasant
1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1
3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6
4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1
5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2
6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2
7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4
8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2 (g) 1
9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1
10. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1
Now add up the total number of points.
OVER 60 POINTS : Others see you as someone they should 'handle with care.' You're seen as vain, self-centered, and who is extremely dominant. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you.
51 TO 60 POINTS : Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural leader, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate.
41 TO 50 POINTS : Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them u p and help them out.
31 TO 40 POINTS : Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.
21 TO 30 POINTS: Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It would really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then, usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your careful nature.
UNDER 21 POINTS : People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive, someone who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make the decisions & who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything! They see you as a worrier who always sees problems that don't exist. Some people think you' re boring. Only those who know you well know that you aren't.
hmm... okayy.. right... uhh... ya. (:
1. When do you feel your best?
a) in the morning
b) during the afternoon and early evening
c) late at night
2. You usually walk....
a) fairly fast, with long steps
b) fairly fast, with little steps
c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
d) less fast, head down
e) very slowly
3. When talking to people you. . .
a) stand with your arms folded
b) have your hands clasped
c) have one or both your hands on your hips
d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
e) play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair
4. When relaxing, you sit with. . .
a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
b) your legs crossed
c) your legs stretched out or straight
d) one leg curled under you
5. When something really amuses you, you react with...
a) big appreciated laugh
b) a laugh, but not a loud one
c) a quiet chuckle
d) a sheepish smile
6. When you go to a party or social gathering you...
a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know
c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed
7. You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're interrupted...
a) welcome the break
b) feel extremely irritated
c) vary between these two extremes
8. Which of the following colors do you like most?
a) Red or orange
b) black
c) yellow or light blue
d) green
e) dark blue or purple
f) white
g) brown or gray
9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep you are...
a) stretched out on your back
b) stretched out face down on your stomach
c) on your side, slightly curled
d) with your head on one arm
e) with your head under the covers
10. You often dream that you are...
a) falling
b) fighting or struggling
c) searching for something or somebody
d) flying or floating
e) you usually have dreamless sleep
f) your dreams are always pleasant
1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1
3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6
4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1
5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2
6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2
7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4
8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2 (g) 1
9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1
10. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1
Now add up the total number of points.
OVER 60 POINTS : Others see you as someone they should 'handle with care.' You're seen as vain, self-centered, and who is extremely dominant. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you.
51 TO 60 POINTS : Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive personality; a natural leader, who's quick to make decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate.
41 TO 50 POINTS : Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them u p and help them out.
31 TO 40 POINTS : Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.
21 TO 30 POINTS: Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It would really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then, usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your careful nature.
UNDER 21 POINTS : People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive, someone who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make the decisions & who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything! They see you as a worrier who always sees problems that don't exist. Some people think you' re boring. Only those who know you well know that you aren't.
hmm... okayy.. right... uhh... ya. (:
truth's out!!
hahas..(: okay okay Jervina.. srry 4 'pulling' you in the tricking peisi game.. lol(: yeah peisi this is me.. (: but i wun write my name here.. plz dun coz i dun lyk revealing identities coz it's weird and all... but i'm on jer's link (frm wad she told me) so find me if you can!! (: lol...
okay wait i gtg say that sadly 3k din get into the cheers finals but tt's okay coz we had fun(: hahas zul... lol(: sheesh i can't believe he actually did tt..(: ya and okay i gotta say choir got bronze and we were one of the last few choirs to perform... (: happy..(:
um.. 4got wad to say.. oh wait.. be right back.......... (:
okay wait i gtg say that sadly 3k din get into the cheers finals but tt's okay coz we had fun(: hahas zul... lol(: sheesh i can't believe he actually did tt..(: ya and okay i gotta say choir got bronze and we were one of the last few choirs to perform... (: happy..(:
um.. 4got wad to say.. oh wait.. be right back.......... (:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
he was not one bit embarrased!!
heyhey!! (:
today we had cheerleading for sports day!! kinda COOL actually(: and funny also.. here's the deets!!
right so about twenty(or so) ppl from our class were participating in the cheerleading today and right after school we headed to the space outside the art room to practice our stunts.. so when we were practicing(i kept not standing still and not locking my knees when i was flyer) a teacher(not to be mentioned) came up to us and said 'I advice you all to go down to the grass field and practice your stunts there as it is less dangerous...' den he walked away so due to rush of time(the event was about to start), we ignored him and juz continued.. den suddenly that same teacher came out from nowhere(at least tt's wad i think) and started charging towards us saying 'Didn't i tell you all to go down and practice at the grass field and not here??' so the guys(surprisingly) grabbed their bag and rushed downstairs and the girls were lyk strolling down.. i mean it's weird coz the guys were lyk so freaking scared.. lol(:
den when we went downstairs to the field,we practiced the stunts again and okay this is funny(: ..... so we were doing the stunt 'elevator' and i was the flyer so zul and nicholas were my base and sarah and rachel were my spotters so when we were about to do the stunts, zul suddenly went towards his bag and stood dere facing the class ppl and den he took off his long pants (coz he wanted to do the stunts in pe attire) and he 4got that he was wearing his boxers and not his pe pants and he stood dere in front of the class in his boxers(brown and checked.. srry it was juz too funny not to look at it!!) for more than 1 minute and simin was laughing her head off and her face was lyk so red and everyone was so going crazy coz of that and zul quickly wore his pe pants but he wasn't embarassed at all!! hahas(: so funny!!
ahh i still haf so much to say but i gtg soon coz i needa discuss outing plans with jervina during the hols so ya i'll continue again another day.. (: but i juz wanna share tt(: srry zul!! no offence seriously..(: ^^
today we had cheerleading for sports day!! kinda COOL actually(: and funny also.. here's the deets!!
right so about twenty(or so) ppl from our class were participating in the cheerleading today and right after school we headed to the space outside the art room to practice our stunts.. so when we were practicing(i kept not standing still and not locking my knees when i was flyer) a teacher(not to be mentioned) came up to us and said 'I advice you all to go down to the grass field and practice your stunts there as it is less dangerous...' den he walked away so due to rush of time(the event was about to start), we ignored him and juz continued.. den suddenly that same teacher came out from nowhere(at least tt's wad i think) and started charging towards us saying 'Didn't i tell you all to go down and practice at the grass field and not here??' so the guys(surprisingly) grabbed their bag and rushed downstairs and the girls were lyk strolling down.. i mean it's weird coz the guys were lyk so freaking scared.. lol(:
den when we went downstairs to the field,we practiced the stunts again and okay this is funny(: ..... so we were doing the stunt 'elevator' and i was the flyer so zul and nicholas were my base and sarah and rachel were my spotters so when we were about to do the stunts, zul suddenly went towards his bag and stood dere facing the class ppl and den he took off his long pants (coz he wanted to do the stunts in pe attire) and he 4got that he was wearing his boxers and not his pe pants and he stood dere in front of the class in his boxers(brown and checked.. srry it was juz too funny not to look at it!!) for more than 1 minute and simin was laughing her head off and her face was lyk so red and everyone was so going crazy coz of that and zul quickly wore his pe pants but he wasn't embarassed at all!! hahas(: so funny!!
ahh i still haf so much to say but i gtg soon coz i needa discuss outing plans with jervina during the hols so ya i'll continue again another day.. (: but i juz wanna share tt(: srry zul!! no offence seriously..(: ^^
Saturday, May 16, 2009
heyhey!! (: i'm back!! (:
exams are still on... and i'm currently wasting time... but nvm.. i have MATHS to look forward to!! yay!!...
but i'm here to update stuff... lyk my school's choir went for syf and got silver!! (: yay!! great improvement actually.. we were lyk one of the first few choirs to perform so maybe the judges were in a good mood.. hahas(: yay!! so happy for my choir..lol(:
oohooh!!! i am confirmed in church!! double triple quadruple yay!!(: hahas..(: i will continue to be a learning christian(: and I CAN GO FOR CELL FOR TWO SATURDAYS!!! yay!! (: hahas.. soo happy..(:
so my exams are okayy so far... (duh coz i only crossed lyk, lesser than five papers..) pray for me tt the Lord will see me through this time okayy? ^^
oh guess wad my mum actually said to me during lunch 15mins ago?
mum: next time maybe you can attend those lessons where they teach you how to walk, eat, talk and sit properly.. (staring far away)
me: WHAT??!!
mum: yes. i should enrol you to that.. its good... (goes on saying about air stewardress going through such lesson also)
me: .............................. (seriously dots)
mum: next time.. next time.. (starts babbling again)
me: (to my mum)oh man!! look at me!! the way i sit(like how the coffeshop uncles sat), the way i hold me fork(at the tip with my hand grabbing it), and what about this?(then i burped real loud)? i think i'm like gonna be the wost student ever.. and who wants to walk on high heels?? i think i'll like fall flat on my face or the heel would get stuck in the drains or smtg.. sheesh..
mum: (laughs)
me: no way am i going to such lessons.. no freaking way......
and that's the conversation.. yuck.. i feel that all those is just so (no offence to anyone or anything that has got to do with all these oa who favours such stuff..) GAY.. and also if you come to think of it, ppl will noe the one side that is soo not you and its like as if you are just pleasing others and not being yourself.. so i dun wanna encourage that coz i think tt being yourself is great and it shows the real you, who you really are inside.... (: ya!
exams are still on... and i'm currently wasting time... but nvm.. i have MATHS to look forward to!! yay!!...
but i'm here to update stuff... lyk my school's choir went for syf and got silver!! (: yay!! great improvement actually.. we were lyk one of the first few choirs to perform so maybe the judges were in a good mood.. hahas(: yay!! so happy for my choir..lol(:
oohooh!!! i am confirmed in church!! double triple quadruple yay!!(: hahas..(: i will continue to be a learning christian(: and I CAN GO FOR CELL FOR TWO SATURDAYS!!! yay!! (: hahas.. soo happy..(:
so my exams are okayy so far... (duh coz i only crossed lyk, lesser than five papers..) pray for me tt the Lord will see me through this time okayy? ^^
oh guess wad my mum actually said to me during lunch 15mins ago?
mum: next time maybe you can attend those lessons where they teach you how to walk, eat, talk and sit properly.. (staring far away)
me: WHAT??!!
mum: yes. i should enrol you to that.. its good... (goes on saying about air stewardress going through such lesson also)
me: .............................. (seriously dots)
mum: next time.. next time.. (starts babbling again)
me: (to my mum)oh man!! look at me!! the way i sit(like how the coffeshop uncles sat), the way i hold me fork(at the tip with my hand grabbing it), and what about this?(then i burped real loud)? i think i'm like gonna be the wost student ever.. and who wants to walk on high heels?? i think i'll like fall flat on my face or the heel would get stuck in the drains or smtg.. sheesh..
mum: (laughs)
me: no way am i going to such lessons.. no freaking way......
and that's the conversation.. yuck.. i feel that all those is just so (no offence to anyone or anything that has got to do with all these oa who favours such stuff..) GAY.. and also if you come to think of it, ppl will noe the one side that is soo not you and its like as if you are just pleasing others and not being yourself.. so i dun wanna encourage that coz i think tt being yourself is great and it shows the real you, who you really are inside.... (: ya!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
volcano erupting... no link.
i've got not much to say.. or rather no time to do so.. my homework's creating a volcano and i'm squashed in between.. help.
ooh i wanna share this thing tt happened in class.. yar i know its about my class again but my classmates seriously makes me laugh..(: ok this is about an incident with my physics teacher xxxxx.. (Jervina, five x-es haven been taken up yet right? ^^)
so from the very 1st day my physics teacher stepped into our class to teach us, the teacher had already started to scream his/her head off and frm then on, he/she never stopped frowning (as far as i'm concerned..)... so one day when he/she was teaching with that 'frowny' face, Wey Jieh couldn't take it so he said: "When was the last time you actually smiled??" and the ppl around him esp me and weina were laughing lyk crazy...
oh and dere's dis other thing tt made me laugh so hard too and tt is during the end of English lesson. We were supposed to hand in an article that is about this adventurous and young at heart man (his real name will not be mentioned but i'll use.. Mr D) so this is wad my teacher wrote on the board:
Things to hand in tomorrow:
-Confusing words
-Mr D
so when i read tt i literally laugh till i cried!!! i mean can u believe tt an English teacher wud make such a mistake?? hahas!!!! ^^ so weird.. how can you hand in a person as homework?? find the person then handcuff him then bring him to school and hand him in to the teacher...?? so dumb man.. and it was so freakin farney..(:
and today i learnt tt sometimes, the innocent gets the blame. ("HONG YUAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???") sheesh.. it was so freaking spastic..
so there. now, i've gotta go. but wanna hear a joke? (: btw note tt by writing this joke: 1) i'm not racist 2),I dun mean to offend anyone 3),I read it off a book and decided to share it to the world and 4), i'm a christian myself^^ so here it is:
A lady said to her son, "There are some ppl who eat other ppl. We call them cannibals. Someone should tell them about Jesus."
The son replied, "Well, they'd better tell them over the telephone." ^^
i've got not much to say.. or rather no time to do so.. my homework's creating a volcano and i'm squashed in between.. help.
ooh i wanna share this thing tt happened in class.. yar i know its about my class again but my classmates seriously makes me laugh..(: ok this is about an incident with my physics teacher xxxxx.. (Jervina, five x-es haven been taken up yet right? ^^)
so from the very 1st day my physics teacher stepped into our class to teach us, the teacher had already started to scream his/her head off and frm then on, he/she never stopped frowning (as far as i'm concerned..)... so one day when he/she was teaching with that 'frowny' face, Wey Jieh couldn't take it so he said: "When was the last time you actually smiled??" and the ppl around him esp me and weina were laughing lyk crazy...
oh and dere's dis other thing tt made me laugh so hard too and tt is during the end of English lesson. We were supposed to hand in an article that is about this adventurous and young at heart man (his real name will not be mentioned but i'll use.. Mr D) so this is wad my teacher wrote on the board:
Things to hand in tomorrow:
-Confusing words
-Mr D
so when i read tt i literally laugh till i cried!!! i mean can u believe tt an English teacher wud make such a mistake?? hahas!!!! ^^ so weird.. how can you hand in a person as homework?? find the person then handcuff him then bring him to school and hand him in to the teacher...?? so dumb man.. and it was so freakin farney..(:
and today i learnt tt sometimes, the innocent gets the blame. ("HONG YUAN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???") sheesh.. it was so freaking spastic..
so there. now, i've gotta go. but wanna hear a joke? (: btw note tt by writing this joke: 1) i'm not racist 2),I dun mean to offend anyone 3),I read it off a book and decided to share it to the world and 4), i'm a christian myself^^ so here it is:
A lady said to her son, "There are some ppl who eat other ppl. We call them cannibals. Someone should tell them about Jesus."
The son replied, "Well, they'd better tell them over the telephone." ^^
Saturday, March 28, 2009
just wanna share this
here's what would happen if i hand in this piece of assignment this way.
Marine dumping
Dumping of litter in the sea can cause huge problems and may result in death for marine animals. Different items take different lengths of time to degrade in water:
- Cardboard: Takes 2 weeks to degrade.
- Newspaper: Takes 6 weeks to degrade.
- Photodegradable packaging: Takes 6 weeks to degrade.
- Foam: Takes 50 years to degrade.
- Styrofoam: Takes 80 years to degrade.
- Aluminium: Takes 200 years to degrade.
- Plastic packaging: Takes 400 years to degrade.
- Glass: It takes so long to degrade that we don’t know the exact time.
i wonder if it's all true... if so den poor stuff.. wan to leave the earth also difficult.. might as well dun be created....
Therefore, please care for those biodegradable stuff. they have a life to live like us.. only worse. so dun use boxes or recycled paper or window grills or go ntuc or have takeaway lunch or drink beer. thank you.
please see me after lessons. i'm afraid you have concluded the lesson wrongly.
Marine dumping
Dumping of litter in the sea can cause huge problems and may result in death for marine animals. Different items take different lengths of time to degrade in water:
- Cardboard: Takes 2 weeks to degrade.
- Newspaper: Takes 6 weeks to degrade.
- Photodegradable packaging: Takes 6 weeks to degrade.
- Foam: Takes 50 years to degrade.
- Styrofoam: Takes 80 years to degrade.
- Aluminium: Takes 200 years to degrade.
- Plastic packaging: Takes 400 years to degrade.
- Glass: It takes so long to degrade that we don’t know the exact time.
i wonder if it's all true... if so den poor stuff.. wan to leave the earth also difficult.. might as well dun be created....
Therefore, please care for those biodegradable stuff. they have a life to live like us.. only worse. so dun use boxes or recycled paper or window grills or go ntuc or have takeaway lunch or drink beer. thank you.
please see me after lessons. i'm afraid you have concluded the lesson wrongly.
Friday, March 27, 2009
i'm not supposed to be doing this now....
aaaaahhhh!!!!! i think my com just got virus-ded.
why i say so: because during the days that were assigned to be doing your homework at home, my com kept having problems lyk logging off juz by itself and being unable to open some websites.
evidence: err.. can't find it.. uh huhhuh.. huh.
erm.. juz wanna say tt i'm still alive? sheesh..
ooh look look!!! quiz. (:
1. What time is it
what the heck. 10.44pm, 50seconds and counting...
2. whats your full name?
nah... privacy...
3. What are you most afraid of
GOD. seriously.
4. What's the most recent movie you've seen
The tale of desperaux.. -.-
5. Place of birth
Mount E(:
6. Favourite food
Sushi, Cheesecake, Dark Chocs followed by White chocs followed by milk chocs followed by choc spread followed by choc biscuit followed by 'fake' chocs followed by china brands. (no offence. seriously.)
7. What's your natural hair colour
dark brown
8. Ever been skinny dipping
watsat?? i have never dipped myself anywhere b4.. maybe except in the swimming pool and bathtub.
9. Love someone so much it made you cry
10. Ever been in a car accident
no. dun wish to ever be also.
11. Croutons or bacon bits
love croutons but bacon bits win this time(: srry croutons..
12. Ever been on a ship
13. Favourite Flower
carnations, tulips..
14. Favourite day of the week
friday i guess
15. Favourite sport to watch
rugby and floorball
16. Warner Brothers or Disney??????
wad.. uhh.. warner bros.. dats the one who made looney tunes right? ya warner bros.
17. Favourite restaurant
izit called eighteen chef? shucks i forgot..
18. Favourite drink
pokka green tea not unsweetened or added sugar
19. Favourite ice cream
umm.. i muz say raspberry ripple(:
20. What colour is your bedroom carpet
wa so high class.. mine's wood flooring^^
21. Who will respond to this quiz the quickest
err.. dunno.
22. Who will be least likely to respond
the furniture.
23. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses
the furniture.
24. How many times did you fail your driver's test
0 times.. it has yet to come.. choy touch wood.
25. Last person you went to dinner with
umm.. my mum, my dad, my bro and dunno hu else is dere.. u never know... maybe casper or some other friendly ghosts^^
26. Favourite TV shows
actually spellz and any dog non-fiction fact shows.. and ellen degeneres dat haf jobros as special guests^^
27. What do you want to?do before you die
save as many souls as possible! oh and to laugh as my last breath.. i'll try... and i'll tell u if i did when i see you in heaven... (if i din laugh i think i'll moan and groan coz it's my lifelong dream.....)
28. Before this one, from whom did you get your last quiz
29. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
actually, no one knows... maybe a rooster flew from heaven down to Earth and he started calling to god: "cukoo-doodle-doo!! i want a mate!!" and god gave him a chicken and she hatched an egg(:
or maybe two chicken eggs fell from heaven and landed on earth and suddenly a rooster and a chicken hatched out and dey mate and ta-daa!!!!
or or maybe the chicken just came first..
Park or Zoo
31. Have you ever been overseas
32. What do you do when you are bored
try not to fall asleep.
33. What are your favourite colours
purple, light blue, silver, brown, tree green, black, white..
34. How many people are you giving this quiz to
actually anyone hu wans it..
35. Your usual Bedtime
11.20pm and dunno how many seconds...
How many tattoos do you have
EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! why-you-see-kay
37. Pets?
38.Time you finished this survey
11.20pm, 18seconds and counting... aaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! past my bedtime!!!!
ya so it's now 11.21pm and 18seconds and i gtg so taaaaaa!!!!!(:
why i say so: because during the days that were assigned to be doing your homework at home, my com kept having problems lyk logging off juz by itself and being unable to open some websites.
evidence: err.. can't find it.. uh huhhuh.. huh.
erm.. juz wanna say tt i'm still alive? sheesh..
ooh look look!!! quiz. (:
1. What time is it
what the heck. 10.44pm, 50seconds and counting...
2. whats your full name?
nah... privacy...
3. What are you most afraid of
GOD. seriously.
4. What's the most recent movie you've seen
The tale of desperaux.. -.-
5. Place of birth
Mount E(:
6. Favourite food
Sushi, Cheesecake, Dark Chocs followed by White chocs followed by milk chocs followed by choc spread followed by choc biscuit followed by 'fake' chocs followed by china brands. (no offence. seriously.)
7. What's your natural hair colour
dark brown
8. Ever been skinny dipping
watsat?? i have never dipped myself anywhere b4.. maybe except in the swimming pool and bathtub.
9. Love someone so much it made you cry
10. Ever been in a car accident
no. dun wish to ever be also.
11. Croutons or bacon bits
love croutons but bacon bits win this time(: srry croutons..
12. Ever been on a ship
13. Favourite Flower
carnations, tulips..
14. Favourite day of the week
friday i guess
15. Favourite sport to watch
rugby and floorball
16. Warner Brothers or Disney??????
wad.. uhh.. warner bros.. dats the one who made looney tunes right? ya warner bros.
17. Favourite restaurant
izit called eighteen chef? shucks i forgot..
18. Favourite drink
pokka green tea not unsweetened or added sugar
19. Favourite ice cream
umm.. i muz say raspberry ripple(:
20. What colour is your bedroom carpet
wa so high class.. mine's wood flooring^^
21. Who will respond to this quiz the quickest
err.. dunno.
22. Who will be least likely to respond
the furniture.
23. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses
the furniture.
24. How many times did you fail your driver's test
0 times.. it has yet to come.. choy touch wood.
25. Last person you went to dinner with
umm.. my mum, my dad, my bro and dunno hu else is dere.. u never know... maybe casper or some other friendly ghosts^^
26. Favourite TV shows
actually spellz and any dog non-fiction fact shows.. and ellen degeneres dat haf jobros as special guests^^
27. What do you want to?do before you die
save as many souls as possible! oh and to laugh as my last breath.. i'll try... and i'll tell u if i did when i see you in heaven... (if i din laugh i think i'll moan and groan coz it's my lifelong dream.....)
28. Before this one, from whom did you get your last quiz
29. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
actually, no one knows... maybe a rooster flew from heaven down to Earth and he started calling to god: "cukoo-doodle-doo!! i want a mate!!" and god gave him a chicken and she hatched an egg(:
or maybe two chicken eggs fell from heaven and landed on earth and suddenly a rooster and a chicken hatched out and dey mate and ta-daa!!!!
or or maybe the chicken just came first..
Park or Zoo
31. Have you ever been overseas
32. What do you do when you are bored
try not to fall asleep.
33. What are your favourite colours
purple, light blue, silver, brown, tree green, black, white..
34. How many people are you giving this quiz to
actually anyone hu wans it..
35. Your usual Bedtime
11.20pm and dunno how many seconds...
How many tattoos do you have
EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! why-you-see-kay
37. Pets?
38.Time you finished this survey
11.20pm, 18seconds and counting... aaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!! past my bedtime!!!!
ya so it's now 11.21pm and 18seconds and i gtg so taaaaaa!!!!!(:
Thursday, March 12, 2009
mArsHmaLLow sOng :D
woohoo!! i have so much to tell!! i can't belive i haven't been posting 4 more than a mth.. i'm seriously too busy.. urgh..
oh btw i wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! to crystal, benjamin, wee sheng, erika, shawn koh, zul, nicole, yong hao, my 4 cousins and my aunt!!(: happy birthday!!(: lol.
ya so on the 18th of feb (erika's b'dae!!(: ) was my coussies wedding and it was kinda nice..(: i was the receptionist but i was running around everywhere to count the guests, write stuff down, help my bro and coussie to pop some party pooper, and so many other stuff..(: but it was fun.. lol have to keep it short coz i have sooo much to say about SEC 3 CAMP!!!! (: (: (:
kay on the first day (4th march) , i was on my way to sch to assemble b4 going to camp and i was sitting in the new 293 bus (the one tt has v. little seats n ppl with wheelchairs can go onto) at the corner of the 4 seater. in between this 4 seater is a bar that 'divides' the seat into 2, 2. so when the bus was at the interchange, Tsikenu(this guy frm sch, sec 3 oso) came up and sat nxt to me and coz we both had big camp bags, we were lyk v. squished and i can't understand y he had to squeeze nxt to me when he could simply stand or find another seat..lol..
so we reached sch and had briefing and departed frm sch and on the way to camp in the chartered bus, shaz, razana, wei na and i were sitting at the back row(simin din't want to sit at the back row coz she said it was too bumpy) and wei na and i were crapping 'bout mr.XX (to be kept confidential..(: ) and we were so hyper ans shaz and razana were trying to sleep and dey were not facing each other lyk dey quarrelled lyk tt.. tt scene juz seemed funny..(:
we reached sembawang camp at around 9am or smtg den dere's this lady named Laura (e guys kept saying 'tomb raider' to her..) and in the camp, dere's these rooms called 'action room', 'passion room' and 'vision room' and this is how she pronounced these rooms: "ok classes, please proceed to the ARK-tion room (action room), VEE-sion room (vision room) and PEAR-sion room (passion room) for your nxt activity...." e way she said these words were real funny and wei na simin and i kept crappin bout it..(: oso dere's this guy called Slyvain whose frm france and he has tt accent in his voice and e way he said 'idea' and 'demo' is lyk this: "..so do you all get e iDEE (idea)?" and "..can you show us a DEEmo (demo)?" (:
at night b4 it's time to got to bed, 3k had a class gathering wif our form teacher n Shi Yu and Gerald did a beatbox performance 4 our class and it was seriously funny coz the way Shi Yu beatbox was lyk he was crazy or smtg and den he oso did dis eagle call thing dat sounded so wrong n crazy it was hard not to laugh...(: oh and Nathan and Gerald did this bicycle song that goes: "i lyk to ride my bicycle..." and Nathan was juggling this water bottle wif a blur look on his face and Wey Jieh was laughing his head off and the way he laughs makes ppl laugh at his laughter(: oh and dere was an interclass challenge tt night and 1 of the games was to peel a pomelo and 2 oranges as fast as possible in 1 go (not having pieces of friut skin, muz be 1 whole) and Shi Yu went to peel the pomelo and he managed to finish peeling it in 1 go and tt was waaay cool(: and dere's dis game dat u have to hold hands and form dis big circle and u had to pass a hula hoop around w/o letting go of ur friend's hand and some ppl ended up wif forfeit (12 I think) so the leaders said tt dey haf to pair up in twos and do a catwalk across the legacy hall and Shi Yu was 1 of em and he partner Renuka and dey walked down the 'aisle' and it was funny coz towards the end Shi Yu did dis funny prancing action and our form teacher got it recorded as a video(:
at night when it was lights out the camp leaders were rushing us to get to bed n many of us were pissed off coz we din't have time to clean up properly.. sheesh.. and dere were ants in our beds too.. urgh..
on the 2nd day of camp(5th march, zul's b'dae) we had this GPS race thing at sembawang park and the ppl in my team were: Yu Ci, Priscilla, April, Shi Yu, Bryan, Justin, Nigel, Eugene and i and wen Bryan got hold of the GPS pack he took out the compass and went: "i got the 'comparse' (compass)" and started fooling around and Shi Yu took the GPS and pressed anything and everything and he stood in this drain and said that the place was where he was satnding(we had to do dis race thing in sembawang park and had to make our way there wif our grps) and at the park the guys didn't really help out n we came across clarabel's grp so we decided to do the remaining stuff 2getha and when we were finding clues, we asked the guys to stay where dey are (at a pavilion) and dun wander about and tt we'll be back soon and when we came back *surprise surprise* dey were still sitting dere (amazingly).. dis was done in the afternoon.. in the morn we had picture hunt and e boys in my team din want to do the activities lyk 'red sea' so e girls in our team and some other ppl in our class formed 2 teams(tt was not meant to be accepted) and went to do the 'red sea'.. n managed to get some points!!(:
during lunch we sang Zul a birthday song and he was lyk so surprised and ya(: oh and dere's dis spider in the legacy hall tt afternoon and it was crawling on the ceiling and everyone was scared tt it wld suddenly jump down and so it was crawling, crawling, crawling, reaching the area tt weina and i sat and den its 2 front legs let go of the ceiling.. den e nxt 2 front legs... and den suddenly it spins a web and did dis 'graceful landing' onto the legacy hall floor and the girls were lyk screming their heads off and everyone was backing off but wei na and i were lyk 'eww.' and juz stood dere... den uncle roger took wei na's camp booklet and carried the spider outside to throw it out.. (in case u think y everyone is so scared by just a spider, it was the size of a tarantula but only not so hairy..) oso wen it was time to shower, wei na went into dis cubicle and wen she was already showering, she suddenly screamed and said tt dere were 3 spiders in tt cubicle (1 e same as e 1 in the legacy hall and 2 lyk the normal small spiders) n once in a while u wld hear her scream and she said she dropped her toothbrush in the toilet bowl (e squatting one) and she left it dere and she couldn't brush her teeth tt night and 4 tmr.. urgh.. poor wei na...
tt night we oso did night maze and wei na, april, don, shawn and i were to go through the night maze 2getha and e girls were so freaked out (coz e leaders said tt dere wil b no light to help u and u had to make ur way out by urselves) and i asked don to lead and shawn to stand behind and i grab hold of don's PE t-shirt n weina held my hand behind me and april tagged along and we went in the maze.
we din't noe wad to expect in it and thot tt dere wld b ppl scaring us or smtg so we moved closely and slowly and shawn said he had a torchlight so all of us relaxed a little den after a while he said he cld not on his torchlight.. sheesh.. so don started moving and after a while he suddenly shouted 'ahh!' so i screamed, thinking tt sm1 was about 2 scare us and wei na screamed wen she heard me scream and april screamed coz she heard us scream and it was so noisy coz the place was enclosed and den shawn came to stand nxt to don and find out wads happening and den dey said it was juz an insect and i was lyk practically hitting don 4 scaring all of us.
so we continued and den suddenly i saw dis small light moving about and i thot hu's tt and den suddenly dere's dis leader tt came out of nowhere and wei na and april screamed but i din't dis time coz i knew dere was sm1 already.
so that's dat. it was fun tho(:
oh and after tt wei na and i were making fun of Joshua saying dat if he happened to trip and fall in the night maze and his team stepped on him, dey wld feel tt the floor was bouncy and wld ask "hey, wad's dis ah? and where's Joshua?" (: and during the gathering at night wif 3k again our form teacher explained y e guys were not helping out 2day coz last night dey were kicked out of the boys dorm coz of some misunderstanding and dey were blamed and scolded 4 no reason too so Nathan was explaining: "Our bags were kicked out." and den Linus cut in saying: "They (ppl dat took their bunks) looked so comfortable." and after he said tt e whole class erupted wif laughter coz its lyk self-pity or something and it made the guys look so vulnerable or smtg but it was funny(:
on the 3rd day (6th march), i did the HIGH ELEMENTS 4 e 1st time in my life!!!(: it was waay fun but scary oso(: a few ppl frm our class did the high elements dat day and i was the last one to go up and i said tt i would sing the 'marshmallow song' tt wei na and i made when i was up dere and so i climbed up the big pole thing and tt was the scariest part of the whole activity and when i was about 2 reached the element, my belay rope went to the other side of another element(the log one) and i had to let go 1 hand to pull the rope back while i stand on the climbing pole's handle and my hands were shaking lyk crazy coz i was gripping hold of the pole handles with my right hand (which is weaker than my left) and i had to use my left hand to get the belay rope back in place which was reeeaaall scary but i managed to do it so i continued across the element (which is a rope to hold while walking on another rope) btw the whole element was 3 storeys high so u get the picture.. and our class form teacher made me sing the marshmallow song while walking but i couldn't coz it wa s scary so i only sang the song on my way down when we were meant to be 'flying' (coming down frm the belay rope) ....
yuppss so sec 3 camp was overall great 4 me and i enjoyed myself(: hahas..(: oh so wanna see the 'marshmallow song'? (: here goes.. :
(to the music of spongebob squarepant's 'campfire song')
Director: actresses of teachers(: (you know wad i mean right, wei na?)
Let's gather round the campfire and sing our marshmallow song,
Our M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S-O-N-G song,
And if you don't think dat we can BURN it faster then you're wrong,
Coz it will help if, you just BURN along... (bom, bom, bom....)
M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S-O-N-G song,
Our M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S-O-N-G song,
And if you don't think tt we can BURN it faster then you're wrong,
Coz it will help if, you juz BURN along...
M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S-O-N-G song,
"PAtrick!!" (marshmallow!! marshmallow song!!)
"SQuidward!!" (-silence-)
Coz it will heelp, it will heeelllp,
If you juz BURN aloooong!!!!!
OH YEAH!!!! (: (:
hope you lyk tt and srry 4 e long post... but tt was fun(:
woohoo!! i have so much to tell!! i can't belive i haven't been posting 4 more than a mth.. i'm seriously too busy.. urgh..
oh btw i wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! to crystal, benjamin, wee sheng, erika, shawn koh, zul, nicole, yong hao, my 4 cousins and my aunt!!(: happy birthday!!(: lol.
ya so on the 18th of feb (erika's b'dae!!(: ) was my coussies wedding and it was kinda nice..(: i was the receptionist but i was running around everywhere to count the guests, write stuff down, help my bro and coussie to pop some party pooper, and so many other stuff..(: but it was fun.. lol have to keep it short coz i have sooo much to say about SEC 3 CAMP!!!! (: (: (:
kay on the first day (4th march) , i was on my way to sch to assemble b4 going to camp and i was sitting in the new 293 bus (the one tt has v. little seats n ppl with wheelchairs can go onto) at the corner of the 4 seater. in between this 4 seater is a bar that 'divides' the seat into 2, 2. so when the bus was at the interchange, Tsikenu(this guy frm sch, sec 3 oso) came up and sat nxt to me and coz we both had big camp bags, we were lyk v. squished and i can't understand y he had to squeeze nxt to me when he could simply stand or find another seat..lol..
so we reached sch and had briefing and departed frm sch and on the way to camp in the chartered bus, shaz, razana, wei na and i were sitting at the back row(simin din't want to sit at the back row coz she said it was too bumpy) and wei na and i were crapping 'bout mr.XX (to be kept confidential..(: ) and we were so hyper ans shaz and razana were trying to sleep and dey were not facing each other lyk dey quarrelled lyk tt.. tt scene juz seemed funny..(:
we reached sembawang camp at around 9am or smtg den dere's this lady named Laura (e guys kept saying 'tomb raider' to her..) and in the camp, dere's these rooms called 'action room', 'passion room' and 'vision room' and this is how she pronounced these rooms: "ok classes, please proceed to the ARK-tion room (action room), VEE-sion room (vision room) and PEAR-sion room (passion room) for your nxt activity...." e way she said these words were real funny and wei na simin and i kept crappin bout it..(: oso dere's this guy called Slyvain whose frm france and he has tt accent in his voice and e way he said 'idea' and 'demo' is lyk this: "..so do you all get e iDEE (idea)?" and "..can you show us a DEEmo (demo)?" (:
at night b4 it's time to got to bed, 3k had a class gathering wif our form teacher n Shi Yu and Gerald did a beatbox performance 4 our class and it was seriously funny coz the way Shi Yu beatbox was lyk he was crazy or smtg and den he oso did dis eagle call thing dat sounded so wrong n crazy it was hard not to laugh...(: oh and Nathan and Gerald did this bicycle song that goes: "i lyk to ride my bicycle..." and Nathan was juggling this water bottle wif a blur look on his face and Wey Jieh was laughing his head off and the way he laughs makes ppl laugh at his laughter(: oh and dere was an interclass challenge tt night and 1 of the games was to peel a pomelo and 2 oranges as fast as possible in 1 go (not having pieces of friut skin, muz be 1 whole) and Shi Yu went to peel the pomelo and he managed to finish peeling it in 1 go and tt was waaay cool(: and dere's dis game dat u have to hold hands and form dis big circle and u had to pass a hula hoop around w/o letting go of ur friend's hand and some ppl ended up wif forfeit (12 I think) so the leaders said tt dey haf to pair up in twos and do a catwalk across the legacy hall and Shi Yu was 1 of em and he partner Renuka and dey walked down the 'aisle' and it was funny coz towards the end Shi Yu did dis funny prancing action and our form teacher got it recorded as a video(:
at night when it was lights out the camp leaders were rushing us to get to bed n many of us were pissed off coz we din't have time to clean up properly.. sheesh.. and dere were ants in our beds too.. urgh..
on the 2nd day of camp(5th march, zul's b'dae) we had this GPS race thing at sembawang park and the ppl in my team were: Yu Ci, Priscilla, April, Shi Yu, Bryan, Justin, Nigel, Eugene and i and wen Bryan got hold of the GPS pack he took out the compass and went: "i got the 'comparse' (compass)" and started fooling around and Shi Yu took the GPS and pressed anything and everything and he stood in this drain and said that the place was where he was satnding(we had to do dis race thing in sembawang park and had to make our way there wif our grps) and at the park the guys didn't really help out n we came across clarabel's grp so we decided to do the remaining stuff 2getha and when we were finding clues, we asked the guys to stay where dey are (at a pavilion) and dun wander about and tt we'll be back soon and when we came back *surprise surprise* dey were still sitting dere (amazingly).. dis was done in the afternoon.. in the morn we had picture hunt and e boys in my team din want to do the activities lyk 'red sea' so e girls in our team and some other ppl in our class formed 2 teams(tt was not meant to be accepted) and went to do the 'red sea'.. n managed to get some points!!(:
during lunch we sang Zul a birthday song and he was lyk so surprised and ya(: oh and dere's dis spider in the legacy hall tt afternoon and it was crawling on the ceiling and everyone was scared tt it wld suddenly jump down and so it was crawling, crawling, crawling, reaching the area tt weina and i sat and den its 2 front legs let go of the ceiling.. den e nxt 2 front legs... and den suddenly it spins a web and did dis 'graceful landing' onto the legacy hall floor and the girls were lyk screming their heads off and everyone was backing off but wei na and i were lyk 'eww.' and juz stood dere... den uncle roger took wei na's camp booklet and carried the spider outside to throw it out.. (in case u think y everyone is so scared by just a spider, it was the size of a tarantula but only not so hairy..) oso wen it was time to shower, wei na went into dis cubicle and wen she was already showering, she suddenly screamed and said tt dere were 3 spiders in tt cubicle (1 e same as e 1 in the legacy hall and 2 lyk the normal small spiders) n once in a while u wld hear her scream and she said she dropped her toothbrush in the toilet bowl (e squatting one) and she left it dere and she couldn't brush her teeth tt night and 4 tmr.. urgh.. poor wei na...
tt night we oso did night maze and wei na, april, don, shawn and i were to go through the night maze 2getha and e girls were so freaked out (coz e leaders said tt dere wil b no light to help u and u had to make ur way out by urselves) and i asked don to lead and shawn to stand behind and i grab hold of don's PE t-shirt n weina held my hand behind me and april tagged along and we went in the maze.
we din't noe wad to expect in it and thot tt dere wld b ppl scaring us or smtg so we moved closely and slowly and shawn said he had a torchlight so all of us relaxed a little den after a while he said he cld not on his torchlight.. sheesh.. so don started moving and after a while he suddenly shouted 'ahh!' so i screamed, thinking tt sm1 was about 2 scare us and wei na screamed wen she heard me scream and april screamed coz she heard us scream and it was so noisy coz the place was enclosed and den shawn came to stand nxt to don and find out wads happening and den dey said it was juz an insect and i was lyk practically hitting don 4 scaring all of us.
so we continued and den suddenly i saw dis small light moving about and i thot hu's tt and den suddenly dere's dis leader tt came out of nowhere and wei na and april screamed but i din't dis time coz i knew dere was sm1 already.
so that's dat. it was fun tho(:
oh and after tt wei na and i were making fun of Joshua saying dat if he happened to trip and fall in the night maze and his team stepped on him, dey wld feel tt the floor was bouncy and wld ask "hey, wad's dis ah? and where's Joshua?" (: and during the gathering at night wif 3k again our form teacher explained y e guys were not helping out 2day coz last night dey were kicked out of the boys dorm coz of some misunderstanding and dey were blamed and scolded 4 no reason too so Nathan was explaining: "Our bags were kicked out." and den Linus cut in saying: "They (ppl dat took their bunks) looked so comfortable." and after he said tt e whole class erupted wif laughter coz its lyk self-pity or something and it made the guys look so vulnerable or smtg but it was funny(:
on the 3rd day (6th march), i did the HIGH ELEMENTS 4 e 1st time in my life!!!(: it was waay fun but scary oso(: a few ppl frm our class did the high elements dat day and i was the last one to go up and i said tt i would sing the 'marshmallow song' tt wei na and i made when i was up dere and so i climbed up the big pole thing and tt was the scariest part of the whole activity and when i was about 2 reached the element, my belay rope went to the other side of another element(the log one) and i had to let go 1 hand to pull the rope back while i stand on the climbing pole's handle and my hands were shaking lyk crazy coz i was gripping hold of the pole handles with my right hand (which is weaker than my left) and i had to use my left hand to get the belay rope back in place which was reeeaaall scary but i managed to do it so i continued across the element (which is a rope to hold while walking on another rope) btw the whole element was 3 storeys high so u get the picture.. and our class form teacher made me sing the marshmallow song while walking but i couldn't coz it wa s scary so i only sang the song on my way down when we were meant to be 'flying' (coming down frm the belay rope) ....
yuppss so sec 3 camp was overall great 4 me and i enjoyed myself(: hahas..(: oh so wanna see the 'marshmallow song'? (: here goes.. :
(to the music of spongebob squarepant's 'campfire song')
Director: actresses of teachers(: (you know wad i mean right, wei na?)
Let's gather round the campfire and sing our marshmallow song,
Our M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S-O-N-G song,
And if you don't think dat we can BURN it faster then you're wrong,
Coz it will help if, you just BURN along... (bom, bom, bom....)
M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S-O-N-G song,
Our M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S-O-N-G song,
And if you don't think tt we can BURN it faster then you're wrong,
Coz it will help if, you juz BURN along...
M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S-O-N-G song,
"PAtrick!!" (marshmallow!! marshmallow song!!)
"SQuidward!!" (-silence-)
Coz it will heelp, it will heeelllp,
If you juz BURN aloooong!!!!!
OH YEAH!!!! (: (:
hope you lyk tt and srry 4 e long post... but tt was fun(:
Friday, February 6, 2009
here's smtg else for entertainment if your mum's nagging at you again for the 6th time today.
quiz quiz!!
1.Besides your mouth, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
Um.. forehead, hand.. ok that’s it. I guess. For now.
2.Were you happy when you woke up today?
Um.. affirmative.. coz haf cross-country and u hafta run in the morning..
3.How about now?
Still affirmative.
4.Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
Oh man!! Lyk DUH!!! I dun think i can survive awhole month or even a whole week w/o candy.. specially bitter chocs!! (:
5.Who was the last person you ate with?
Er.. jervina, Drusilla, Cheryl, Meredith.. ya but i was the only 1 eating..
6.Are you currently taking a science class in school?.
Lyk YES!!! Science is my life!! Everything around you consists of some science stuf.. lyk gravity and particles in the air and.. ya!!
7.Kiss on the first date?
No 1st kiss yet coz no 1st date yet (and vice versa.)
8. Would you rather have chicken or steak?
Um.. who’s paying??
9. What were you doing at 10 am?
in the bus On my way home frm bedok reservoir after cross country.
10. Are you different now than you were six months ago?
yupp.. I grew a year older, i have lesser time to go out, i am more stressed out, i eat more chocs and more servings of food everyday, i weigh lighter (sadly.. dere’s a reason 4 that..), i can’t go 4 cell!! ): i’m more busy..
11. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Hmm.. oh last night i think when i drank water in the dark and i was rushing to do some stuff so i accidentally spilled some water around.. (i didn’t bother to clean up the mess tho.. hee(: )
12. How old will you be in 10 months?
Nah.. not telling.. it’s confidential.. oni ppl i no who know i own dis blog knows and ppl in church and some ppl in school and stuff..
13. Who was the last person to text you?
Jeannie.. to tell us where 2 meet and stuff 4 celebrating Erika and mei yi’s b’dae..
14. What month is your birthday in?
I’m a Capricon who dosen’t belive in horoscopes. guess my month.
15. Can you live a day without TV?
Ya. Not a TV fan.
16. When was the last time you saw your dad?
Lyk an hour agao.. he has already left 4 work.. and i did ask permission frm him if i can use the com kay...
17. How many pets do you have?
6. (: fishes. (: hee. (:
18. Are you a female or a male?
Ya think?? Read the headlines of one of my post.. den tell me if i’m gay or not.
19. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
I prefer pumps or flats.
20. What are you doing for your next birthday?
Surprises are nice.. (: maybe watch a movie lyk twilight or smtg and spill popcorn all over the place(:
21. What are you thinking about right now?
Spilling popcorn all over the place while watching a movie.
22. Any plans for next weekend?
Guess what? Choir and study. How interesting.
23. Do you smile a lot?
Yayayayayayay!! (: smiling uses lesser muscles than frowning(:
24. When was the last time you cried and why?
I dunno when was the last time but i know the reason why: coz ppl care 4 me in the actions they have done.
25. Have you ever had a life-threatening injury?
No blood clot, no heart attacks, no rolling down the stairs, no suffocation... so nope.
26. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A vet a vet a vet!!!! Yayayayayayayay!!!!!!! (:
27. Do you like flying or driving?
I like reading teenage fiction.
28. Do you know how to drive a stick shift?
I didn’t even know smtg called a stick shift exist.
29. What is your favourite thing to spend money on?
30. Do you wear any jewelry daily?
31. Who got you the jewelry you are currently wearing?
Not wearing any.
32. Who is the funniest person you know?
Hmm.. i dunno.. so many jokers in my class.. wey jieh maybe
33. How often do you remember your dreams?
um.. very i guess.. i still remember what i dreamt of on mon.. but i shall not tell it out.. hah!!
34. What is your ringtone?
‘burning up, burning up, with you baby!!’ jobros rulez!!!
35. Pass this quiz to 3 people
Just take it.
i'd fail my english comprehension if i continue answering lyk that...
1.Besides your mouth, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
Um.. forehead, hand.. ok that’s it. I guess. For now.
2.Were you happy when you woke up today?
Um.. affirmative.. coz haf cross-country and u hafta run in the morning..
3.How about now?
Still affirmative.
4.Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
Oh man!! Lyk DUH!!! I dun think i can survive awhole month or even a whole week w/o candy.. specially bitter chocs!! (:
5.Who was the last person you ate with?
Er.. jervina, Drusilla, Cheryl, Meredith.. ya but i was the only 1 eating..
6.Are you currently taking a science class in school?.
Lyk YES!!! Science is my life!! Everything around you consists of some science stuf.. lyk gravity and particles in the air and.. ya!!
7.Kiss on the first date?
No 1st kiss yet coz no 1st date yet (and vice versa.)
8. Would you rather have chicken or steak?
Um.. who’s paying??
9. What were you doing at 10 am?
in the bus On my way home frm bedok reservoir after cross country.
10. Are you different now than you were six months ago?
yupp.. I grew a year older, i have lesser time to go out, i am more stressed out, i eat more chocs and more servings of food everyday, i weigh lighter (sadly.. dere’s a reason 4 that..), i can’t go 4 cell!! ): i’m more busy..
11. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Hmm.. oh last night i think when i drank water in the dark and i was rushing to do some stuff so i accidentally spilled some water around.. (i didn’t bother to clean up the mess tho.. hee(: )
12. How old will you be in 10 months?
Nah.. not telling.. it’s confidential.. oni ppl i no who know i own dis blog knows and ppl in church and some ppl in school and stuff..
13. Who was the last person to text you?
Jeannie.. to tell us where 2 meet and stuff 4 celebrating Erika and mei yi’s b’dae..
14. What month is your birthday in?
I’m a Capricon who dosen’t belive in horoscopes. guess my month.
15. Can you live a day without TV?
Ya. Not a TV fan.
16. When was the last time you saw your dad?
Lyk an hour agao.. he has already left 4 work.. and i did ask permission frm him if i can use the com kay...
17. How many pets do you have?
6. (: fishes. (: hee. (:
18. Are you a female or a male?
Ya think?? Read the headlines of one of my post.. den tell me if i’m gay or not.
19. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
I prefer pumps or flats.
20. What are you doing for your next birthday?
Surprises are nice.. (: maybe watch a movie lyk twilight or smtg and spill popcorn all over the place(:
21. What are you thinking about right now?
Spilling popcorn all over the place while watching a movie.
22. Any plans for next weekend?
Guess what? Choir and study. How interesting.
23. Do you smile a lot?
Yayayayayayay!! (: smiling uses lesser muscles than frowning(:
24. When was the last time you cried and why?
I dunno when was the last time but i know the reason why: coz ppl care 4 me in the actions they have done.
25. Have you ever had a life-threatening injury?
No blood clot, no heart attacks, no rolling down the stairs, no suffocation... so nope.
26. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A vet a vet a vet!!!! Yayayayayayayay!!!!!!! (:
27. Do you like flying or driving?
I like reading teenage fiction.
28. Do you know how to drive a stick shift?
I didn’t even know smtg called a stick shift exist.
29. What is your favourite thing to spend money on?
30. Do you wear any jewelry daily?
31. Who got you the jewelry you are currently wearing?
Not wearing any.
32. Who is the funniest person you know?
Hmm.. i dunno.. so many jokers in my class.. wey jieh maybe
33. How often do you remember your dreams?
um.. very i guess.. i still remember what i dreamt of on mon.. but i shall not tell it out.. hah!!
34. What is your ringtone?
‘burning up, burning up, with you baby!!’ jobros rulez!!!
35. Pass this quiz to 3 people
Just take it.
i'd fail my english comprehension if i continue answering lyk that...
yay!!(: tiring sia (cross country).. i'm juz home frm cross-country not long ago and i haf to leave house soon to go 4 o-level music.. haiz... and tonight nathan's family and auntie lily and uncle martin are coming to our house 4 dinner tonight.. so i hafta rush home after lessons to help out at house.. baa..
but yay!! i got a trophy and an iron on 'gold' badge thing.. i didn't think i would still be top 20 this year (i was in 14th place last year competitive) coz dis year no competitive.. is every1 race together.. but if the netball girls were competing i dun think i can get 20th or below liao..
i want to thank my parents for bringing me up, my teachers to encourage me, um.. God for giving me determination, sushi and fishball kuay teow soup and chocolates 4 motivation........ hee(:
anyways.. ya today was ok overall for now..hee(: ohoh on the 25th of jan my coussie bought 2 hamsters 4 his b'dae pressie!!!! they're both white and he named them alex and christabelle.... ya..(: dey very cute.. alex very active and hyper.. christabelle alway sleep.. but both r normal 4 hamsters..(: yay!! hahas..
ya so nothing much liao.. juz haf common test in 2 weeks time and my cousin is holding a wedding ceremony on the 18th of feb (erika's b'dae(: ) and i'm the receptionist..(: yupps so wanna go get ready now so ta(: hee.
but yay!! i got a trophy and an iron on 'gold' badge thing.. i didn't think i would still be top 20 this year (i was in 14th place last year competitive) coz dis year no competitive.. is every1 race together.. but if the netball girls were competing i dun think i can get 20th or below liao..
i want to thank my parents for bringing me up, my teachers to encourage me, um.. God for giving me determination, sushi and fishball kuay teow soup and chocolates 4 motivation........ hee(:
anyways.. ya today was ok overall for now..hee(: ohoh on the 25th of jan my coussie bought 2 hamsters 4 his b'dae pressie!!!! they're both white and he named them alex and christabelle.... ya..(: dey very cute.. alex very active and hyper.. christabelle alway sleep.. but both r normal 4 hamsters..(: yay!! hahas..
ya so nothing much liao.. juz haf common test in 2 weeks time and my cousin is holding a wedding ceremony on the 18th of feb (erika's b'dae(: ) and i'm the receptionist..(: yupps so wanna go get ready now so ta(: hee.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
rrawwrr... hee(: juz felt lyk doing tt..(:
hello!!(: i haf so much to say till i dunno wad to say.. as usual(: hee(:
ok.. um.. on the 1st week of sch there was sec 1 auditions for aesthetics ccas.. um.. it was ok but i got sick.. urgh.. oh and i'm rusty (a train) frm 'thomas the train engine'..(: zachary gave me tt nickname and jervina was a truck..(: hee(:
on the 9th of january was sec 1s cca selection day and choir got 28 sec 1s to join the choir!!(: yay!! so happy..(: and it was my 1st music session wif other sch students.. i conclude tt they're way too quiet.. no fun..):
and i was soo stressed out on the 10th of january coz i had lyk so much hw and i was sick and i missed the 1st lesson of sch and i couldn't catch up so i was lyk '' AARRRGGGHHHH!!!!''.
on the 12th of january was the release of o-level results and lyk so scary!! to think i would be sitting there, in the hall, waiting for my results in 2 years' time.. yikes. (my coussies got um.. 13,15 and 18.. i think... so good!!)
nothing much frm 14th-16th january.. oh juz this is how my brother spent his birthday: morning to afternoon-school. afternoon to evening-alone at home. evening to night-tuition. night-sleep. if i had spent my birthday lyk tt, i would seriously cry my eyes out.. i'm talking metaphorically here.. not literally.. oh ya.. t reminds me, i haven't wrote wad happened on my b'day yet..(: ok i will tell l8r..(: (btw, i had a great b'day thanks to jervina, erika, joselyn, my coussies, my parents, my bro and most importantly, god(: hee)
on 17th january i went 4 tuition.. saw sheryl there.. went high coz tuition room was so freaking cold and the air freshener kept releasing this disgusting scent lyk toilet air freshener every 10 mins and tuition was 2hrs long so u know how i felt uh?
23rd january sch had a chinese new year celebration and i thought it was fun.. only the party part.. oh ya my class won 1st place 4 the back deco board and i was lyk so happy coz it's lyk my 1st time winning competitions wuf my class(: yay!! then after tt we had class party and it was fun lor..(: our class played wacko 4 lyk 1 whole hour and it was really funny lor..(: i lyk my class!!(: yay!!(: den after sch me, drusilla, jervina, jia qi, jolene and jomain went to daniel's house go play wii(: den wen we all there his mum came home and there were lyk the six of us girls in his living room and he was the only guy and his mum seemed lyk she dosen't care which is lyk so whoA LA.. me and jervina were lyk so surprised..(: den at night me and my bro met up wif my coussie to celebrate his b'day.. we ate dinner at changi village lyk frm 8+pm till 10+pm den we kai kai at the riverside/seaside dere.. so nice(: maybe nxt time i shld go dere at night wif friends or smtg and camp dere 1 night.. seriously it was real nice la.. lyk u can see twice as much stars as that time the renai camp 1..(where me, erika, qixi, weitian, and the other girl tt i dunno were star gazing on the road.. as in lying on the road to star gaze..) ya so its cool(:
ok so 2dae i clean the house lyk the whole morning and i juz came back frm tuition and no1 is at home and ya.. i'm hungry.
and btw i wanna get this clear: I. DON'T. EMO. ya? i am a happy cheerful person that laughs at the wrong time, burps out loud (at the wrong time.. right jervina??(: ), go hyper when someone does something retarded (lyk joshua sneezing real funny(: ) and eats a lot (i'm not fat! i dun haf problems most girls does lyk thinking they're so freaking fat when they're lyk bamboo poles...) and does what normal ppl does.. except the laughing lyk mad part.. ya. (:
ok wow.. this post is long.. now i'll tell u wad happened on my birthdae(:
at 12am, my family burst into my room and threw cards and chocolates(my bro's b'dae pressie to me) in my face and they switched the lights on (oso in my face) and my dad aimed the camera in my face and clicked the button and the flash bombarded on my face and i couldn't see anything for a while and they went back to sleep.
i woke up again at 8am to go to sch coz haf cca in the morn till 12pm and i met joselyn at mac and she treated me a $2 meal as my b'dae pressie and we went to sch and after tt jer brought me to her house downstairs the roundabout thing and she made me sit there to wait 4 her (coz she wan take my pressie and cake down frm her house) and wen she came back she blindfolded me and she couldn't start the lighter up and i asked if she needed help and she made my start up the lighter blindfolded and i burnt my finger.. sheesh.. den she set up everything and took off the blindfold and when i saw wad she prepared 4 me --believe it or not-- i was so touched 4 wad she had done juz 4 me tt i cried.. i'll stop talkin' bout that part..(: but seriously i was really toched lor coz no1 did that 4 me b4.. so thanks , darls!!(: (btw she gave me a blueberry cake and she did this collage thing bout our friendship and stuff.. and joe jonas is hawter!!!! it was my b'dae so u can't win!! hahas..(: ) den we met up wif erika to watch 'twilight' and we missed the beginning advertisements and i little of the show!!!!! argh!!! but it was still nice..(: den i went home and we met up wif my coussies to have dinner and i had dinner at anston's and den went home and had cake den tt's bout it 4 my day!(: yay!! i had a completely different b'dae when i'm 14 and 13.. (: thanks a lot ppl!! love u guys!! hahas..(: so tt's bout it..(: yay!!
ok so i oni posted an entry coz it's hol till nxt tues.. so it'll be weeks or even months till i'll post again.. and i'll write the deets(: hahas.. ok so yupps!(: hee(:
hello!!(: i haf so much to say till i dunno wad to say.. as usual(: hee(:
ok.. um.. on the 1st week of sch there was sec 1 auditions for aesthetics ccas.. um.. it was ok but i got sick.. urgh.. oh and i'm rusty (a train) frm 'thomas the train engine'..(: zachary gave me tt nickname and jervina was a truck..(: hee(:
on the 9th of january was sec 1s cca selection day and choir got 28 sec 1s to join the choir!!(: yay!! so happy..(: and it was my 1st music session wif other sch students.. i conclude tt they're way too quiet.. no fun..):
and i was soo stressed out on the 10th of january coz i had lyk so much hw and i was sick and i missed the 1st lesson of sch and i couldn't catch up so i was lyk '' AARRRGGGHHHH!!!!''.
on the 12th of january was the release of o-level results and lyk so scary!! to think i would be sitting there, in the hall, waiting for my results in 2 years' time.. yikes. (my coussies got um.. 13,15 and 18.. i think... so good!!)
nothing much frm 14th-16th january.. oh juz this is how my brother spent his birthday: morning to afternoon-school. afternoon to evening-alone at home. evening to night-tuition. night-sleep. if i had spent my birthday lyk tt, i would seriously cry my eyes out.. i'm talking metaphorically here.. not literally.. oh ya.. t reminds me, i haven't wrote wad happened on my b'day yet..(: ok i will tell l8r..(: (btw, i had a great b'day thanks to jervina, erika, joselyn, my coussies, my parents, my bro and most importantly, god(: hee)
on 17th january i went 4 tuition.. saw sheryl there.. went high coz tuition room was so freaking cold and the air freshener kept releasing this disgusting scent lyk toilet air freshener every 10 mins and tuition was 2hrs long so u know how i felt uh?
23rd january sch had a chinese new year celebration and i thought it was fun.. only the party part.. oh ya my class won 1st place 4 the back deco board and i was lyk so happy coz it's lyk my 1st time winning competitions wuf my class(: yay!! then after tt we had class party and it was fun lor..(: our class played wacko 4 lyk 1 whole hour and it was really funny lor..(: i lyk my class!!(: yay!!(: den after sch me, drusilla, jervina, jia qi, jolene and jomain went to daniel's house go play wii(: den wen we all there his mum came home and there were lyk the six of us girls in his living room and he was the only guy and his mum seemed lyk she dosen't care which is lyk so whoA LA.. me and jervina were lyk so surprised..(: den at night me and my bro met up wif my coussie to celebrate his b'day.. we ate dinner at changi village lyk frm 8+pm till 10+pm den we kai kai at the riverside/seaside dere.. so nice(: maybe nxt time i shld go dere at night wif friends or smtg and camp dere 1 night.. seriously it was real nice la.. lyk u can see twice as much stars as that time the renai camp 1..(where me, erika, qixi, weitian, and the other girl tt i dunno were star gazing on the road.. as in lying on the road to star gaze..) ya so its cool(:
ok so 2dae i clean the house lyk the whole morning and i juz came back frm tuition and no1 is at home and ya.. i'm hungry.
and btw i wanna get this clear: I. DON'T. EMO. ya? i am a happy cheerful person that laughs at the wrong time, burps out loud (at the wrong time.. right jervina??(: ), go hyper when someone does something retarded (lyk joshua sneezing real funny(: ) and eats a lot (i'm not fat! i dun haf problems most girls does lyk thinking they're so freaking fat when they're lyk bamboo poles...) and does what normal ppl does.. except the laughing lyk mad part.. ya. (:
ok wow.. this post is long.. now i'll tell u wad happened on my birthdae(:
at 12am, my family burst into my room and threw cards and chocolates(my bro's b'dae pressie to me) in my face and they switched the lights on (oso in my face) and my dad aimed the camera in my face and clicked the button and the flash bombarded on my face and i couldn't see anything for a while and they went back to sleep.
i woke up again at 8am to go to sch coz haf cca in the morn till 12pm and i met joselyn at mac and she treated me a $2 meal as my b'dae pressie and we went to sch and after tt jer brought me to her house downstairs the roundabout thing and she made me sit there to wait 4 her (coz she wan take my pressie and cake down frm her house) and wen she came back she blindfolded me and she couldn't start the lighter up and i asked if she needed help and she made my start up the lighter blindfolded and i burnt my finger.. sheesh.. den she set up everything and took off the blindfold and when i saw wad she prepared 4 me --believe it or not-- i was so touched 4 wad she had done juz 4 me tt i cried.. i'll stop talkin' bout that part..(: but seriously i was really toched lor coz no1 did that 4 me b4.. so thanks , darls!!(: (btw she gave me a blueberry cake and she did this collage thing bout our friendship and stuff.. and joe jonas is hawter!!!! it was my b'dae so u can't win!! hahas..(: ) den we met up wif erika to watch 'twilight' and we missed the beginning advertisements and i little of the show!!!!! argh!!! but it was still nice..(: den i went home and we met up wif my coussies to have dinner and i had dinner at anston's and den went home and had cake den tt's bout it 4 my day!(: yay!! i had a completely different b'dae when i'm 14 and 13.. (: thanks a lot ppl!! love u guys!! hahas..(: so tt's bout it..(: yay!!
ok so i oni posted an entry coz it's hol till nxt tues.. so it'll be weeks or even months till i'll post again.. and i'll write the deets(: hahas.. ok so yupps!(: hee(:
Thursday, January 1, 2009
i'm back!!!!
let me tell you first. this is gonna be a reeeaaallly long post so get ready to sit in front of the computer longer than you wish to.
i gonna start frm the 5th of dec 2008.
so on the 5th of dec, my family and i and nathan and audrey and amanda and their parents set off for jakarta, indonesia , for holiday. so the last post i posted, i was in the airport ready to go off anytime. and wen we got on the plane (the trip was lyk only 1 and a half hours or so) i watched ten promises to my dog w/o hearing the jap lang and oni reading the subtitles to get the message across.. den wen we reach jakarta we met auntie lily and uncle martin and dey brought us bak to their apartment which was lyk 3hours frm the airport.. we were lyk squished wif one another and i ended up sitting on the floor of the car.. oof..
ok the second day we went shopping.. :( nothing much..
oh on the 7th we went to this theme park which was fun!! the best game was the one where we haf to sit in this carraige, two ppl in one, and the thing will lyk spin you around.. nt in circles but more lyk forward and backward.. lyk swing lyk that.. aiya dunno how to explain properly but it was fun!(: den haf this game lyk in wild wild wet where you sit in this water float thing and we go down this rushing downwards direction water and lyk me and amanda were lyk screaming lyk crazy coz the water keep splashing in and we were wearing outing clothes (there were 5 ppl playing 2gatha.. the 5 kids.. ya) and after tt me and amanda play this thing called octopus and tornado and the water boat slide thing and wow.. i mean.. crazy man.. fun lor overall.(:
so the nxt day we went safari zoo!!!!! whoo hoo!!!! it was up in the mountains so it's a little cold and you can feed the animals too!!! it's lyk we will take this open air bus and the animals will juz come up to the buses and stick their head in and we get to feed them carrots!! so cool!!(: i was happy happy happy!! yay!! unfortunately amanda was lyk sooo waiting to get out of there coz she dislike animals.. hahas!!
on the 9th we went to this volcano and it was lyk so freakin' stinky coz the air consisted of so much chemicals lyk sulper, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen, methane so the air smelled lyk rotten eggs or smtg of tt sort.. but i brought bak a stone lyk limestone.. i took a pic of it.. maybe i can upload it here soon..(:
on the 10th and 11th we juz shop shop shop.. phooey (pronounced so 'foo-ee' (: )
and on the 12th we went bak home!! (:
on the 13th milton and family went egypt till the 25th so we sent them to the airport..(: and erika and family went to hong kong on the 15th and came back on the 20th.
on the 19th there was loveus christmas party..(: it was fun(: and on the 22nd i went for caroling at plaza singapura and i had to come back home by myself.. went to church and got lots of chocolate pressies.. den had party in my hse and amanda's family and qin fei and her mum came and milton tooand blah.. not v. interesting..
27th went christmas present hunting wif my family and my bro bought two pokemon comic book (lol) and my dad bought some kinda suspension files (double lol) and my mum and i din buy anything in the end..
28th after church me, erika, su peng, sunny, qi xi, wei jie went to lizhen jie's hse to party coz she wan thank us 4 helping in children camp.. we ate pizza and watched wild child.. right remind me tt i haf2 lend u the cd, jervina..(:
oh man.. i haf2 go auntie lily's hse 4 lunch wif guess who, nathan's family again.. it's lyk our families and auntie lily and uncle martin r lyk a threesoma or smtg.. always 2getha.. sheesh.. i haven tok bout my birthday yet!!!(: nvm i can still rmb..(: anyways i'll post again soon so ta!! (:
aaa!!! tmr sch starts!!!! eek..
i gonna start frm the 5th of dec 2008.
so on the 5th of dec, my family and i and nathan and audrey and amanda and their parents set off for jakarta, indonesia , for holiday. so the last post i posted, i was in the airport ready to go off anytime. and wen we got on the plane (the trip was lyk only 1 and a half hours or so) i watched ten promises to my dog w/o hearing the jap lang and oni reading the subtitles to get the message across.. den wen we reach jakarta we met auntie lily and uncle martin and dey brought us bak to their apartment which was lyk 3hours frm the airport.. we were lyk squished wif one another and i ended up sitting on the floor of the car.. oof..
ok the second day we went shopping.. :( nothing much..
oh on the 7th we went to this theme park which was fun!! the best game was the one where we haf to sit in this carraige, two ppl in one, and the thing will lyk spin you around.. nt in circles but more lyk forward and backward.. lyk swing lyk that.. aiya dunno how to explain properly but it was fun!(: den haf this game lyk in wild wild wet where you sit in this water float thing and we go down this rushing downwards direction water and lyk me and amanda were lyk screaming lyk crazy coz the water keep splashing in and we were wearing outing clothes (there were 5 ppl playing 2gatha.. the 5 kids.. ya) and after tt me and amanda play this thing called octopus and tornado and the water boat slide thing and wow.. i mean.. crazy man.. fun lor overall.(:
so the nxt day we went safari zoo!!!!! whoo hoo!!!! it was up in the mountains so it's a little cold and you can feed the animals too!!! it's lyk we will take this open air bus and the animals will juz come up to the buses and stick their head in and we get to feed them carrots!! so cool!!(: i was happy happy happy!! yay!! unfortunately amanda was lyk sooo waiting to get out of there coz she dislike animals.. hahas!!
on the 9th we went to this volcano and it was lyk so freakin' stinky coz the air consisted of so much chemicals lyk sulper, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, oxygen, methane so the air smelled lyk rotten eggs or smtg of tt sort.. but i brought bak a stone lyk limestone.. i took a pic of it.. maybe i can upload it here soon..(:
on the 10th and 11th we juz shop shop shop.. phooey (pronounced so 'foo-ee' (: )
and on the 12th we went bak home!! (:
on the 13th milton and family went egypt till the 25th so we sent them to the airport..(: and erika and family went to hong kong on the 15th and came back on the 20th.
on the 19th there was loveus christmas party..(: it was fun(: and on the 22nd i went for caroling at plaza singapura and i had to come back home by myself.. went to church and got lots of chocolate pressies.. den had party in my hse and amanda's family and qin fei and her mum came and milton tooand blah.. not v. interesting..
27th went christmas present hunting wif my family and my bro bought two pokemon comic book (lol) and my dad bought some kinda suspension files (double lol) and my mum and i din buy anything in the end..
28th after church me, erika, su peng, sunny, qi xi, wei jie went to lizhen jie's hse to party coz she wan thank us 4 helping in children camp.. we ate pizza and watched wild child.. right remind me tt i haf2 lend u the cd, jervina..(:
oh man.. i haf2 go auntie lily's hse 4 lunch wif guess who, nathan's family again.. it's lyk our families and auntie lily and uncle martin r lyk a threesoma or smtg.. always 2getha.. sheesh.. i haven tok bout my birthday yet!!!(: nvm i can still rmb..(: anyways i'll post again soon so ta!! (:
aaa!!! tmr sch starts!!!! eek..
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